145 / 155
Dec 2020

One word


Wait, can square be used as a verb? I am squaring my bed to left wall, I will square my bed to the left wall?

I think the word Recovering describes my novel pretty well.

Reason: Both the main characters have been through a lot in life, and they dedicate themselves to helping both themselves and each other recover from their respective trauma.




EDIT: reread the directions. Dang this is a lot harder to do if it's a verb Stumbling?


Hello there! Hope you like what I made, I'm not really good at drawing but maybe I can give you a chuckle or two! Don't hesitate on visiting, I appreciate every coment and feedback!

The verb that describes my comic could be:
Almost everytime one of my characters freaks out for something and it doesn't matter if its you the one screaming with laughter or him just freaking out, someone screams at the end of the day.

Here are my links:
Tapas comic: https://tapas.io/series/Mr-Bugs/info
Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/mr-bugs/list?title_no=569782


22 days later



The work is multi-artist and has a different art style almost every page.
You won't find consistency here. And that's not even talking about how shoddy my writing is...

Prove oneself (It feels like one thing to do though it has two words)

My MC has no talent for magic but is a magical girl. So she has to prove she can get the job done.

Its drawn in manga style with colored only a few colored pages and many in a two colors (greyscale, greenscale, bluescale etc.)


Since my characters will be going through a lot of self revelation and growth :blush:


Reason: All three of my main characters will come to crossroads where they must make a choice that will greatly impact their future and their friendship with one another.


Reason: Each of my short stories builds on the others, and while they all stand well on their own,reading the others can grant a much larger view of the world. Both of my currents stories have hinted at or made references to characters and themes that will appear later on, but they're all enjoyable on their own too.


I can't really explain the reasoning without massive spoilers but :smiling_imp: