152 / 158
Apr 2021

Oh yeah I'm all over that dagger. The plant powers making the wood grow? chefs kiss. I love this. I love everything about this.
I understand when you say "heavily inspired by" because that's a vibe. Your story vibe is more adventure/ fantasy and it's been my experience that a lot of readers will check out if I spend too much time "setting the place" so to speak. When you said "just enough that when people read they're like...carry on" I feel that. I think there's a conversation to be had here about the appropriate way to introduce setting into the narrative. Something about doing it in a way that doesn't hamstring the action? I took a writers class this past winter because I'm a fucking joke and my classmates kept giving me feedback about starting every single chapter with a long description of the setting. And they were goddamn right I shouldnt live like that.

The little token as gifts between sailors is amazing and precious. I love this. Everything about it. That's my next book (my previous two books were pirates.)

The best book about millinery of all time is https://www.amazon.com/Neck-Up-Illustrated-Guide-Hatmaking/dp/0941082008/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=from+the+neck+up&qid=1618333224&sr=8-1
it is also a hat making guide so
1. you can make the damn hats
2. your character can convincingly make the hats because there's a step by step guide. write your book like "she was whisptitching wire to the buckrum" because that's a real step from the book.

My cheat for everything costume is john peacock's book:

-every item of clothing is labeled, including accessories.
-silhouette cheat sheet forever. it gives you 8 for every 50 years of history
-just like. cannot be understated. the shoes are in here. the hats. the accessories. the hairstyles. one stop shop.
-divided by English regent so I don't even have to look it up

Darling, you are a blessing!

I had that book on my list the other day to go buy from the book store. I'm glad to know it is now endorsed.

If you ever need anything --my vacuous knowledge is yours. <3 GOTH-SQUAD!

I have mixed feelings about writing classes. And, I say this as someone with a degree in English Lit & Fiction Writing --meh. The biggest thing I had to overcome, and bless the patience of my Co-Writer for this, is because that was the only circle I was in (other Lit Degrees) we just got into this vortex of trying to impress one another, instead of actually writing a story. Writers writing for Writers was a cesspool of terrible that I don't wish on anyone.

So, I had to step back and reevaluate what I wanted. Do I want to strive for the next 'great work of art' or do I want to write books for people who need everything that I needed? I knew that my end goal was to write all the books I was desperate to read, so -- that's where I'm at now. Am I striving for some award, no, not anymore.

What I want now, is to one day see fanart, and people cosplaying as my characters. I wanna see people reaching out and going 'yo--your book helped me when I was in a bad spot. That character is someone I think about when I need strength,' because in the end, that's what they do for me. I write these people, for people, and for me. For real, there's a character than I cling to when I'm in a bad way and having an episode. "What would they do?" and the answer is "not put up with this shit, that's for sure" and that's given me strength.

I straight up stood up for myself a couple weeks ago, and told someone off, and then hung up the phone on them, and sat on my couch wide-eyed going 'what the hell just happened to me? I think that character possessed me!'

ANYWAY--tangent aside.

If you want help, or have questions, or want to bounce writing stuff back and forth, my DM is always opened.

And, also, because I suppose this is now tradition...

:leaves: Your Historical Fun Fact:

Medieval Peoples, at least in England, were afraid to fart in bed, b/c they thought it would invite the devil.
They also slept naked, and it was not unheard of, of same-sex to share the bed...naked.

Use that how you want. :wink:

farts are evil? then my husband is defs the devil.

I kind of needed to hear this today because its been a day. Ive yelled at multiple people on the phone, and its only 4:40pm. I still have another rant in me. Sometimes, when I get really mad, I don't tell people I'm a therapist. I tell them I'm an artist. Oh yeah, I'm unhinged. Im completely fucking bonkers but I have fuck-you money from my vanilla ass therapy job. No, you cannot talk to me like that. No, I will not use professional language on the phone. I will fire you, and then hire another one of you.

You should always assert yourself. full stop. break the phone if you have to.

Weird question: have you ever done a playlist for your story? I saw somebody post about making one and its POSESSED ME. Like, what if i just did that? Idk wanted to run it by you.

I will totally slide into your DMs. Feel free to slide into mine. I have no skills but i love reading and looking at art/ historical fun facts.

historical fun fact: the first duke of Marlborough marched his men 28 miles in 22 hours to beat the french to lassines. it was unheard of in that time period. He fumbled oudenarde because his troops were too tired but he stopped the french siege of oudenarde.


I have many playlists for my stories and book, and characters.
I am also super-duper lucky that my Co-Writer/Creator is a phenomenal musician, so we're actually writing official music for the book.

There's one that's already live, it's on my twitter, patreon, and (now) TikTok.
(should be the post with the music ) https://twitter.com/blackorchidsaid/status/13784252305201111061

But let's not even get into Pinterest boards, b/c oh man, even I don't wanna get lost in there, LOL

I've also been 'fan' casting characters, b/c who doesn't, and the more that I look at certain actors, the ANGRIER I get at how perfect they are.

Yo, sometimes you just gotta rage.

And yes, slide on in there anytime! I am always down to chat

Yes I saw your music project already! How could I forget? I think its AWESOME. It's exactly the kind of engagement that hooks readers, you know? It's immersive! This is like, goals. Of course I will probably have to curate music by others, but that's okay too. We can't all be cutting edge, lol.

Fan casting? Like when you pick real actors for your characters? I haven't thought about that. Obviously now Im going to ask you about it!

Ps. what happened to this thread?


Yeah yeah, I have lots of music, so let me know if you're looking for them sweet sweet 18thC. vibes. I just made a whole one that's modern techno and house versions of songs, b/c they're good to bop along to.

La Revolution by Saycet (decent enough show, but amazing Score) is one a I listen to regularly.

Yah, yah, You figure out who you would 'ideally' like to be in the role if it were live-action or what not. I have most of the chat picked out, and sometimes i just makes me angry how perfect some people are for the role. LOL.

And yes, Fox, learning did happen! Hahaha. Of which, I am now due:


Curse words are way, way older than you think. The 'F-bomb' was actually one of roughly six other words that held the same impact when in speech. It's true competitor: 'swived" (in Middle English it would be more like [ swee-ved ], which means ' to swivel ' ( yes, exactly in the dirty kind of way ) was just as popular ar the F-word. However, I think we all know what the F-word survived. It's punchy! It is also the only inffex in the English Language.

So there's prefex (before a word) suffix (after a word) and inffex (middle of the word)

You can also use the F-bomb as almost all forms of words, too. Noun, verb, etc.

Anyway--thank you for coming to my ADHD-rant TeD talk.

Ahhh I'm so sorry for my late reply :sob: I had to work over the weekend and was coming down with something and then I forgot. Anyway.
First of all, I drafted a little template to promote comics in mine and will announce it in my next episode (coming next Tuesday, the episode is already scheduled). :smiley:
I'm not sure yet if I'll post the promo with my normal episodes or in separate episodes (I think the former though) but after that update I can start promoting. :smiley:

Anyway. Time to finally reply. o.o

@jkb4753 I will :smiley: It's gonna be a while until I get back to that because I need to write a sea shanty first but I will. I need to research more folk music anyway.
For really old folk songs I think it would be easier to research that for different parts of Italy separately because it wasn't a unified country at the time so I imagine there is no "Italian" music from the time. When googling it I mostly find Neapolitan and Sicilian music and then the Saltarello. That's actually a medieval dance from uh ... Tuscany according to Wiki, but there's some really old music to go with it like like this) very well-known melody that was also played at the carnival in Venice in Assassin's Creed II (and if it's in Assassin's Creed I love it) and covered by Dead Can Dance. The only song I can think of off the top of my head is the Neapolitan O Mamma Mamma cara because Paganini made it difficult.
And then baroque and classical music and opera in particular seems to be a big part of Italian culture too so I guess it would have been valued a lot at the time.
Uh. Sorry if you know all of this already. You've probably done more research than me. I just like rambling about music. :joy:

That paddle thing though, that's a Ubisoft level of research and I love it.

But yeah, you're kinda right ... I don't think no one will care, otherwise I wouldn't put those details in. I mean, I don't research every detail because I only have 24 hours in a day, and then I do have a fantasy world and I deliberately made quite a few things different because that world also has a different history. But then there are still parallels and things that can be understood and hopefully appreciated more with some historical knowledge, like my world's own version of romanticism (which is both culturally diverse and very progressive compared to Europe at the time or even today and going back to old traditions and patriotic in the context of the worldbuilding and history). I don't know if that makes sense but yeah, every way in which the worldbuilding differs from human history is deliberate and so I still have to know history.
I don't know how to convey all of that but I guess that's what the historical notes are for.

@blackorchid Thank you :heart_02:
I mean ... I hope people care. But, most importantly, I do, and it's fun. :smiley:
Also that comment sounds wonderful :open_mouth: That reminds me of how one of my readers once said they're learning more from reading my comic than in history class which is just :heart_01::sob: (that was a comment on a long ramble about steamships XD). I think stories are a great way to learn and actually care about history though ... I was never that great or interested in history because it was just so dry. It was all dates and politics but without discussing how those affected the people. Having a character I care about or a historical figure I relate to will actually motivate me to learn about and immerse myself in their world and as a reader, I love stories that are well-researched and educate me. So yeah, I suppose you're right. :smiley:
As for playing instruments, I do actually. ^^ I haven't practised in ages but I took piano lessons for years as a child and teenager, guitar and singing lessons for ... I think about 2 years as a teen, and started playing violin last year. I haven't practised anything in a while though because pandemic burnout and fatigue. ._. All I do is sing and strum some chords right now because I'm tired and lazy. But yeah, I play instruments in theory. XD
Also, yesssss another music history lover! :heart_01:

Okay, so, I'm sliding into your DM, because we need to talk about music and stuffs. :slight_smile:

Oooooh please do :smiley:
I always enjoy talking about music and I'm in desperate need of a distraction right now.

This is really interesting to think about, and it's inspiring me to like, do more fucking research.

The only Italian chapter of my book is set during the Lombardy campaign in 1734. I know from one of the books I read that there was music, dancing, and opera during this campaign. Not sure if it was 1733 or 1734, but early in the campaign the joint French-Sardinian army took Milan. The city of Milan capitulated because they didn't want to be sieged, and the Imperial Austrian forces withdrew to the fortified chateau of Milan, outside the city. Back then the sieging army and the besieged would come to agreements about civility. A common concession was that the fort wouldn't fire out of the the side of the fort closest to the town in order to spare accidentally firing on the town. The siegers would agree not to attack from that side. So while the French army is doing the siege, artillery, what have you, the officers are out on the town. Milan is like, popping. General Villars allegedly danced a minuet at the open of the siege of the chateau. He wasn't there. He was cutting it up, lol. The officers went to the opera while they waited for the siege to be over.

So I don't know what they were listening to. It's possible the generals were like "play something French." Or, the musicians were like, "who's occupying us this week? French or Austrians? I need to know what composer to play." Not sure if it would be folk music, probably something "mainstream" that rich people would like. Although, all of the generals during that war had campaigned in Italy before. They'd probably been exposed to italian folk music. And Spanish, from the last war.

The Prince of Savoy, Eugene was not there at this point in the war or the siege would have been avoided altogether. He was the most feared general of this time period. He was President of the Imperial War Council (Austria), but also one of the richest men in Europe. and a patron of the arts. He fought against Villars two wars in a row but they were really good friends. Eugene left France because he hated Louis XIV (savoy is a part of france now) and went to the Empire. If he were in milan during the siege he would probably request to hear one of the musicians he supported.


Would be my first response, as an absolute Goblin-person.

ASDDFGHHHh a bunch of dudes in a string quartet look at each other like "really?" and then start playing

I feel like at that point, they've roll their eyes and be all 'this shit again?'

and then play it with pizzazz!

The string quartet rolls their eyes and groans. Meanwhile, an audience of drunk rich people goes WILD. Somebody in the back screams, "I love this song!"