So, I don't know how many people here read my novel ( , but over the past few weeks, I've doing some revisions on my worldbuilding notes, cast list, and script, and I've decided to put the updates/publications on hold.

As I may have mentioned in my previous posts, I started writing the novel on a whim because of the AF Tournament, and to try and chase after the tourney deadline (which I didn't manage to fulfil anyway), I was really "pants-ing" the whole process.

However, to be honest, I really dislike writing like this; having no clear direction and not being able to pause and see if what I've written were internally consistent and follows a clear logic gave me anxieties. Not to mention, there's a lot of major upheavals going on in RL that needs a lot of adjustments (changing jobs and moving to a different place) I just couldn't really get my headspace into the story and characters.

So rather than just plough through my writing without doing any quality check and potentially create bigger and bigger plot holes along the way, I've decided to work on the foundations of the world and story structure first before posting further updates (and try to sort out my real life responsibilities). Hopefully, this way, I can streamline the writing process and be able to have a more consistent update schedules going forward.

Thanks for the support & patience.

P.S. Is there a way to put an "official" hiatus notice on the novel itself, preferably without needing to post a new "announcement" chapter?

  • created

    Nov '24
  • last reply

    Nov '24
  • 1


  • 134


  • 1


  • 2


  • 1



I hope you take the time you need to see where you want to go with your story. Worldbuilding, especially in a fantasy genre, will take a lot of time. Some of the stuff you come up with will come naturally, while other things will present itself a bit longer than expected. It took me almost 5 years to wrap my worldbuilding into my characters, settings and plot threads.

If you have something good worth telling, keep it in the story. If you have something you feel is terrible, put it in your pocket and see if it can be improved at a later time. Try not to worry about RL too much. It's all about finding the right balance to juggle things.

I don't believe Tapas has that function available. I would post your hiatus notice either on the forums or on your wall.

Good luck. I'll catch your story when you return.