34 / 72
Jul 2021

Thanks my friend for the positive words, keep me motivated :smiley: :beers:
Yep it's surely a homage to all our fave games

It started as a game idea too a survival horror, beat em up -
based on the same story concept of the player trying to avoid infecting others in his path. He had to figure a way to rescue people without infecting them & If too many people were infected they would combine to form more difficult monsters.

Keep up the hard work on your comic too, hoping to see Dan teach those mean ppl a thing or two :slight_smile:

Genji is 5'10. The story is first person so there's not much in the way of description. Still, check it out if you're interested:

Hi again friend :smiley: (im the dude who was tellin u abt detrooit in other forum)
Nice on Genji being 5'10 he's twinning in height with another mc from another project :smiley:
Gave you a sub, yours sounded real interesting!
Hope your check out mines too, promise not to dissapoint, it's heavy videogame inspired, DeadSpace, RE series and Castlevania are inspirations to name a few. Nice yours is in first perosn too, some parts go full FPS too (it was originally a game idea where the player was 1st person (owen) but cld merge with his allies in 3rd person )

Hey, nice to see you again. Thanks for the sub, I'll definitely check yours out, sounds really cool :ok_hand:

YAY! Thanks in advance :smiley: Just read 1st chap of yours - commented there too. Enjoying yours so far, its easy to read and also engaging, keep it up! It feels like an FPS game too! :+1::video_game:

Nobody has to sub back but Tomobi's height is 124 cm or 4 feet, which is small even by his species standards for his age.




I've subbed your comic ages ago :smiley: and shared with my friends. Good luck love!

4) I did sub:
@lauragarcia511 @Aleus_arts @Manyana also ages ago :smiley: but I highly recomend to sub them

New subs went to: tjjha Pony_wearing_a_hat kingkotheartiz noenoh solomonrussell493 Shazic Saint01 Tired_Spider

I couldn't ping all of U guys xD because there is a limit of 10 per post xD hopefully u will see my massage.

Thanks my friend for the sharing and wishing you lots of subs and success too! :beers: :slight_smile:

Nice illustration, they look good for their ages, they definitely have long lifespans, especially Ean (I notice Ean has more human ears too). Kirinkuh and I are height twin-ning :smiley:
I look forward to more of Laos Chronicles, saw you're almost at Ep. 32 Keep up the hard work! :+1:

Annalise height is about 5'2.
Here's the link to my work :blush: :

Ean is an elf, but yes, he got human ears, there is reason. All will be explain in comic :smiley: Thanks again <3

I have three separate novels sooo. I'm just going to list the heights and age for each MC xDD Don't know what genres y'all prefer, so go ahead and choose whichever novel piques your interest! :blush:

Clara: 5'4 (165cm)/ 26 years old
Genre: Romance/Mystery/Drama

Yohan: 6'0 (183cm)/ 29 years old
Genre: BL/LGBTQ+/Romance

Hae-eun: 5'6 (171cm)/ 21 years old
Genre: Fantasy/Romance/Drama

Polela is 4.1ft tall (8.1ft tall as a polarbear).


MC is 5'3"
Subbed yours!

Thanks bro! I subbed to your Tapas comic, haven't joined webtoons yet but I got to in future :smiley:
I'm a fan/ inspired by shonen, your comic looks interesting too
also got a young protag @13 years :+1:
keep up the hard work and i look forward to reading it :slight_smile:

interesting elf w human ears, yep I look forward to reading more about him then :slight_smile:
Keep it up and wishing you a successful week

thanks for sharing - Lucky Charm looks awesome, I always enjoy the severe consequence stuff- Yohan looks like he's in for the ride of his life :+1:
Yea 6'0 is awesome height, I used to bounce around that height for Evan at one point
(as you notice from the op I'm terrible with deciding on heights) XD
in my comic's case they turn ppl into monsters if they get close and a bunch of immune ppl including hunks show up to cause trouble

You know what I never really thought of her height, although I do imagine her begin fairly short since she's still a kid/teenager in most of the novel. Bur right now she's about 16 years old soo I would say she around 5'3/5'4
Also here's mine

11 months later

My character will definitely be dwarfed because it's ridiculous when you're running an underdeveloped hero. I think my character would only be 154 centimeters tall, or 5.05 feet tall if converted from centimeters to feet, which would definitely give my protagonist some comicality. . He definitely won't have any abilities, but he will definitely be a craftsman, crafting weapons, etc.