5 / 15
Oct 2024

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had to double check the official tapas help page but the guidelines say this

link for reference

So with that said... both above examples would be banned in app but allowed on web?

pretty much 🤷

app guidelines have been much stricter especially with apple so that's why it's pretty much an instant no-go for mobile but for web there's a bit more freedom (within reason)

What about this? Both are clothed and she's grabbing him down there?

Does it count as "depiction of sex act"?

What if the bottom part of the body is cropped?

I think you're best bet is to avoid it, but you could always follow the old addage of "fuck around and find out" :stuck_out_tongue:

I did the silhouette thing in the past... seems to have worked. I remember it was tagged mature

Clothes can mean a world of difference...

Can you imagine if these two had no clothes? :joy: