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Dec 2020

Hi there!
I'm Mister Spaceman, editor of Calliope Magazine, a voluntary collaboration between artists and novelists currently updating weekly. We've just started a new branch of the magazine called Rainbow Pop, which focuses on reviewing and discussing lgbt, bl, gl comics and novels.

We're currently still short on members, both for Rainbow Pop and the magazine as a whole. We're very laid back, and allow members to prioritise their own works and lives without making demands. As a result though, we're often short on content, something we hope to remedy by having more members who could pitch in.

We have a group of 11 members, 4 of which are part of Rainbow Pop.

Our goal: To put a spotlight on stories we believe are underappreciated and to grow a community of small artists and authors supporting each other to grow.
We do this by writing reviews, doing collab art pieces, recommending stories, talking about writing tips and opening up about our own works.

Here's the pilot episode for Rainbow Pop:


It's all volunteer based, so there's no money involved. It's for fun and building something great.
What we look for in a member:
-Kindness and open mindedness
-Willingness to cooperate
-Ability to keep promises (everything we do is voluntary, so this is mostly a 'if you say you'll do something, you'll do your best to do it' situation)
-Transparency in communication (letting us know when a plan can't be stuck to or when you won't be available for a while)

If you're interested, leave a comment here stating you're interested, and either in that comment or in a direct message, send a link to your tapas profile or other relevant social media. If the group agrees, we'll send you a discord link.

if you don't want to join, but you like what we do, give this thread a bump with a comment :wink:

Visit our community Discord:

  • created

    Dec '20
  • last reply

    Jan '21
  • 8


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  • 6


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yo wanna collab my dudes? me me asexual creator wanna join join.
I'm aceofavoidance on tapas

Well hot d#mn. I'm not able to join, but this seems pretty interesting, speaking as an Aromantic creator with an LGBTQ+ series.
Can't wait to see where this is going, and good luck with it.

Thanks for showing interest!
If you follow the steps in the first post, we can look at your application as a group.

I'm just gonna bump this so more people can see the mag :blep:

I wuld join if I wasn't already an Admin for the LGBT Tapas server, Love what you guys do though! so heres a comment bump :wink:

@sc101 and @Panqiuyan We've been discussing a bit and decided it would be better to just ask you some questions directly, so we'll be sending a DM

For anyone else interested, don't hesitate to apply! There's nothing to lose and the more the merrier.

1 month later

closed Jan 15, '21

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