11 / 197
May 2024

Oh no :sob: I guess I’m more inspired by Nepali art for Lady Lock’s design where they have and extra third eye or sometimes three extra, but more centered on the face of the deity that these artists would paint. These deities were drawn in visions of what they considered beauty though but I can see where someone not familiar with the art would find it sort of freaky looking :sweat_smile:

I think it looks pretty cool tho! Dickens was just a white guy with Western sensibilities tho so I wouldn’t be surprised if he found it ugly lollll. But other characters in the webcomic think Lady Lock’s extra eyes ruin her face too so you’re not exactly alone.

Here’s an example of the kind of art I’m referencing

Yeah, I'm familiar with Eastern art with the third eye. Maybe if real human beings had it, I'd be more fond of it lol, as it is, it's not my cup of tea. I find most real human traits I can find attractive in the right context, but other traits not so much lol.

Understandable honestly xD I feel like people would probably be grossed out of horrified of it irl but I still stan Lady Lock :sparkles: she is my favorite character I’ve ever written

NO! you're not supposed to pick favorites. our characters are our babies lol.

Honestly I don't think I can pick a favorite XDDD

Lolll unfortunately I do pick favorites xD I adore all my characters though that’s still true but some I really focus on more than others, just because I’ve developed their stories a lot more. These three are my babies and I will fight for them I’m constantly drawing them.

You already know Lady Lock but also

I have Miriam

And Kumiko Morales

@beebutterbee Is Kumko biracial Japanese and Hispanic? What stories are Kumkio and Miriam (no surname?) from?

And I get you. Rn, I'm really enjoying writing Kattar and Alicia because they have so many emotional, romantic, fun and sweet moments, but I don't have a absolute favorite character. I do have some I have more fun writing or drawing than others though. Alicia is fun to draw, but all my male characters not so much because I'm bad at drawing boys lol

Kumiko is biracial, she is a Japanese-Mexican American. I’m not doing her story as webcomic though, I’m looking to publish that one traditionally. It’s about navigating through grief and mental illness but with a weird surreal mystery guiding her through the story of a new town she moved into where things aren’t quite Right (TM).

Miriam on the other hand, I think I might do that one as a long running webcomic like Butter Bee when I’ve finished the plot for this one. I don’t think people will see his story until a long long while though despite that I made the story since my first year of high school (weird that was over a decade ago :dizzy_face:. The story is a little more weirder like butter bee but way more serious as it deals more with CSA and SA. Miriam is actually the Palestinian British (maverick) scientist I mentioned a while ago! Miriam is not his given name though, it was his mom’s name on her fake passport :sparkles: he goes by no other name, you never learn his last name.

And it seems we gravitate to the characters in the stories we currently work on the most I think? … I still have favorites :sweat_smile: and Alicia and Kattar are great :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles: we love a power couple lol

I would agree with that lol. Probably because we;re getting to know the most about them...

but I still don't pick faves XDDDD

And yes I love Kattar and Alicia to bits.

  1. Who is your most attractive character?

    Carolina White, our dashing femme fatale whose magnetic charisma may or may not be a result of magic. I purposefully make her a woman in red to show she may or may not be trustworthy. So is she just naturally dashing, or is this Delilah hiding something about herself?

  2. Who is your smartest character?

    Danu ni Muach, the Last of the Druids. The mentor figure of my comic. She managed to find a way to escape death, but also seems to be the only one with a deep sense of wisdom. She sees reality as it is, not as what we think it is.

One could argue her protege, Stephen Barnes AKA Emerald-Man, is also deeply intelligent, since he has outwitted many of his villains. True, sometimes he seems absentminded about social things, but that is what Danu and Carolina are for. But when it counts, such as outsmarting the criminal mastermind Dr. O'Reilly or finding weaknesses in his foes, he seems to always find something and prevail. Instead of just using technobabble or whatever, I like to show characters actually outwitting each other.

what? lol. my whole novel is called "Damsel in the Red Dress," but despite being a woman in red and Alicia is very much so NOT a femme fatale

3 What story is next?

Do you already have planned what story you'll be doing next when your current one is completed?

Technically I do, as I'm already working on my second novel "Rigamarole" but besides that, I'm also working on another novel for a competition, and if I lose, I'll be posting it here on tapas (please don't root for my failure.) This is another romance novel, but quite honestly, a lot less romantic that DITRD, so I might be shooting myself in the foot. (Why do I keep trying out for romance novel competitions? I'd never written a romance novel in my life before DITRD. Sigh.)

I also have a short list of other novels I'll be picking between when ALL of that is done. One is sci-fi, one is a really trippy...slice of life??? And one is a YA about a girl who is a total geek XDDD. But kinda proud of it.

4 What is your writing super power?

I think mine is bringing emotion to my stories/chapters/scenes. I think I'm really great at making people FEEL the emotion I'm trying to bring to the story, whether that scene is sweet and playful or cute, or heartbreaking. I just got through writing a short story the other day my editor told me was stressful.

Nailed it.

here you go if you want to cry:

  1. Most attractive: Caramella Red, for sure. She's known as the Sweet Crimson for a reason!

  2. Smartest: Either Caramella or Azure! Both are the best of the rival groups.


The chapter The Traitor: The Life of Mother Heidi of my new work, Letter Addressed To The Fire, has been released this week! :DDD Letter Addressed To The Fire is a story told through letters, documents, newspaper articles, and the likes, aside from the thoughts of the main characters. There is yearning, there is angst... will they be or will they be not? If you like some angsty Romeo-and-Juliet-esque type of story, please look into this :)) <3



Twelve years ago, Azure Skylar, the Knight of the Cross of the unparalleled syndicate, the Chapel, was favored by the Pope himself to work on a mission that would determine the fate of their entire group against their growing rival, the Empire.

Twelve years ago, Azure met Caramella Red Aberdeign and found a friend in her. For once, he knew rest, quiet, peace, and comfort. Little did he know that Caramella Red was also the infamous Sweet Crimson, the ace assassin of their growing rival, the Empire.

A mistake, a wrong decision, a missed opportunity, all wrapped in the same regret that led to the ink on paper weeping about all that should have been said and done before time came and went. A story inspired by Taylor Swift's Evermore, Letter Addressed to the Fire will take you to a trip down the star-crossed soulmates' memory lane and tell you about all that was only whispered in the wind twelve years ago.


I’m using your advice and I’m now circulating between three stories! But I do have an order in which I’m gonna finish them (I hope) which is a story inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but only very loosely, and it’s set in Mexico. The next story is the story with Kumiko which I shared somewhere above. Then the third story about two siblings because I love siblings dynamics but I have many many siblings across a lot of my stories :sob: in this story though they find out they’re psychics. But maybe I’ll finish them in a different order, I’ll just have to write to find out!


I actually don’t know what my writing strength is? :frowning: I actually can’t really pinpoint my drawing strengths either but I know I am a good artist. I enjoy the process very much, as I don’t have very much finished projects. My anti super power is starting a billion stories and never finishing the manuscript :sparkles:

Like same? I love writing sibling dynamics (have five siblings myself) and there is at least one set of siblings in virtually every story I write. Like the male and female lead of Rigamarole are siblings and their dynamic is like, the point of the whole story tbh

The most attractive character in "Lyra's Magnum Opus" is the bassist for the band Yellow Lizard. This is one of the MC's mentors' bands. He is quite built, but still lean. Tall. He's styled very gothic, and is often shirtless on stage. He's got nip piercings. His hair is long to his waist and very shiny, straight, and black. He's the known s*x symbol of the band and is often dressed in BDSM theming on stage.

The smartest character is Masaki, of the band Lyra. He's in IT for his day job and has a master's degree for that. He's very logical and thinks things over carefully before speaking. The rest of the band often seeks his opinion when they need someone smart.

I currently don't have plans for another story. I'm writing "Every Day is Beautiful With You". I'm usually pretty into the book I'm writing.

My writing superpower is making people cry their eyes out lol. "With great power, comes great responsibility" lol. I try to give people happy moments, too. Humor. Tender things. But it's gonna get you to cry a lot.

Ahh, looks like we have something in common there. I love writing humor too, but my stories can get pretty emotional

5 How long do your couples usually know each other before they become official?

Also, if they went on a few dates, how long into that did they wait to become an official couple?

So my leads have known each other for 15 years, and are now starting to go on dates together. Since it has yet to happen yet, I can't spoil and say how long it takes from this point for them to become official, but I'll come back and answer that later XD.

I can't say I have a consistent "usually," because my couple vary greatly from story to story. If the story is about a couple, it's often friends to lovers and they've known each other for at least a few years, but if romance is just a subplot, or there is a couple in the central friend group, they more often became a couple pretty fast.

6: How long in the actual timeline of the story does it take your leads to reach their first kiss? How long should you keep baiting the readers on/teasing them before you actually write the first kiss.

I won't spoil this either lol. But I'll say that I don't think I have a "usually," for this either, because all my couples are pretty different from each other. Some have more impulsive halves that make this come pretty quickly, others are very slow to reach this point.

I enjoy baiting my readers on/teasing them too much for first kisses and I'll probably keep doing it lol. I'm evil.

I've currently teased the readers...mmm, probably twice so far in "DITRD."


Y aqui tambien

Each new couple means more ways to tease my audience.

5: what are the most frustrating parts of being an author in your opinion?

This is just going to be my rant time lol, but the amount of competitions I can't compete in because I don't live in the USA is a big one.

I'm a dual citizen of the Dominican Republic and the USA (Dominican on my father's side) and reside in the Caribbean, but SOOOO many writing competitions require you to reside in the USA, and even really specific parts of the USA, or to have a U.S. drivers license as I.D., which I find pretty crazy since not even all U.S. citizens drive.

I understand that there are different laws to follow in different jurisdictions, but it's still pretty frustrating IMO. I spent basically all of May up to this point preparing for this publishing company's romance novel writing competition, only to learn that I can't compete because I'm not currently in the U.S.A.

This has been my rant. low bow.

Also just the amount of competitions that want you to be affiliated with a publishing company.

It's pretty frustrating to feel like my stress has basically been for nothing grinding away for thirty days (which may not seem like a lot, but it's been stressful, so bear with me.)

But whatever. In the end, I guess I'll just be posting the story on tapas. I told @skidiggy I'd be doing that anyway if I failed, but now I don't even get an opportunity to lose the competition.

6: what is the most fun part of the writing process for you?

well, i think my favorite part and the most fun part are slightly different for me so I'll mention both.

Crafting the emotional conversations I think is my favorite part. I'm a sucker for drama I guess, so anytime there are strong emotions to be felt, developing the character's reactions, ways of expressing themselves, and such is my favorite part of basically every story I work on.

That and writing character dynamics, be they conversations, playing, or anything else, I love writing the way my characters interact with others.

So I think I would consider character dynamics the most fun part. I also really enjoy writing narration though, because that's when my poet brain gets to come up with fun metaphors and ways of describing things to make the worlds more vivid.

Strong Emotions

I wake up drenched with sweat that feels like ice - coursing down my spine in tortured torrents-

And something in me is so shattered-

So fed up with the torment that I lose my mind- like fire through my blood and the bed-

I tear my sheets off the mattress and throw them to the floor, hearing threads fracture and fabric tear - I throw the pillows at the wall and my words after them, shrieking at the tops of my lungs.


And it’s not the first time I’m glad the house is empty! Glad everyone who cares about me is millions of miles away! That I have no one close enough to hold me after the nightmares and I’m completely and entirely alone! So I can scream like a demoniac until the howling on the inside of my head calms to that mellow, roaring melancholy I’m so used to that it’s almost comforting - almost mothering - and I can lay down on the bare mattress, weeping like a raving maniac with anger and agony-!

Not because I miss her.

I don’t miss her.

Kat is lying propped up against the couch pillows playing on his Gameboy in a state of absolute zombification when I open the front door.

It takes a second for his eyes to unglue themselves from the screen, his gaze seeming to move through water as he glances up at me. Then his eyebrows knit together, his expression a canvas of mingled horror and disgust in mild shades of disbelief.


I can’t help but start laughing.

“Is that a plaid tee-shirt dress? Where do you even find this stuff? Why did you change out of the black dress?”

“Just wanted to,” I say teasingly, pushing my hair back. “Why? Why are you so stuck on the black one anyway?”

He manages to keep his expression impassive and disinterested, as he says flatly, “When you only have two tolerable dresses in your entire wardrobe, I think it’s only natural for me to try to mitigate the suffering you inflict on my eyes.”


Not even the faintest vestige of embarrassment, color, or discomfiture shows on his face, and for some strange reason that bugs me - like an insistent light drizzle drumming on my psyche at 100 bpm.

What is with you, you little creep?

Taking the scrunchie off my wrist, I pile my hair up onto the top of my head and adjust the sleeve of the dress.

“That’s better.” I smirk, “My hair got in the way of the embroidery. Check it out, there are these little flowers around the sleeves.”

His mouth opens with an expression that reminds me of a muppet, if a muppet could be gorgeous, looking up at the ceiling like he’s searching for divine intervention.

“I know you’re doing this on purpose,” he raises his eyebrows, pressing against his temples with both fingers, “I know you’re doing this just because you KNOW it’ll make me angry.”

“Why on earth would it make you angry?” I laugh, shoving his shoulder as I plop down on the couch beside him. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head simultaneously.

“Okay, the dress itself doesn’t make me angry. You IN that dress sends me into a blind rage.”

Character interactions

I think after Tales of Valor is fully uploaded (probably in like two to three months) I´m taking a brake from that story before writing vol. 2, I have a few stories in mind I would like to upload, one is about Urban legends and mythology from Latin American culture, but that one I want to do in Spanish as well as in English so it might take a while, I also have a new story in mind, but is too early to give too many details but I do have a pre-view on other sites.
"At the center of the ocean, there’s a maximum security prison, a place for criminals that had done so many horrible things, but in the lowest level of the Maw of the Dead Man, lies another section of the prison, a level reserved for people that must be contained, people that have awoken a must dangerous facet of their inner selves, so far, there are three such individuals at the bottom of the hole, this is a story about them and how they will shape the foundation of everything."

“Inmate G-01, Male, 25 years old, from the providence of Navori, he was confined to this facility after a whole mountain was destroyed from the inside, casualties were in the double digits”

“Inmate G-02, Male, 23 years old, From the Vally of Killark, he was apprehended on the site of a horrible train accident, it is believed that he was the cause of it, we had to sedate him to gain access to the area, reports said that he would attack anyone that tried to get close to the wreck”

"Inmate G-03 not much is known about him but the library at Marlusha had to be remodeled after he was done with it."