Question # 1: Is hot cocoa (hot chocolate) a dessert?
Leia: Of course not, you have to be able to chew a dessert.
Riley: it's got enough calories to be a dessert.
Leia: Yeah but dessert is like a meal that gives you no nutrients. Water isn't suddenly a meal just because it's good for you. So hot cocoa isn't dessert just because it's high in fat and sugar. (Riley just shrugs)
(this is free for everyone to read on my Patreon Public posts:
Alicia: Definitely not. It's like tea and stuff. I mean, it's kind of a treat, so it shouldn't be an every day food, but I don't think it's satisfying enough to count as a dessert. Desserts should require forks or spoons. So hot cocoa isn't a dessert just like donuts and cookies and scones aren't real desserts.
Kattar: Alicia those totally are desserts. Personally, I think hot cocoa is a dessert. But don't care for sweet foods in general most of the time.
Alica: (shakes her head rolling her eyes) Goodness you're mental.
Kattar: (diplomatically) A dessert is anything extra you eat that you don't have to.
Alicia: By that logic cayenne pepper is a dessert!