9 / 9
Oct 2024

Hi guys,

Just like the title, read, comment, and like on my comic and I'll do the same to your comic.
By the way, the account I'll be using to comment and like on your comics is Valerie.
Note: Don't just comment on the cover of my comic though, comment on my episodes as well.
Another note: As long as your comic is not mature or with gore, I would be reading, commenting, and liking your comic as well as long as you do the same to mine.
And if I really like your comic, I'll be subscribing as well.
Let the commenting, reading, and liking begin! :sparkling_heart:

  • created

    Oct '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 8


  • 205


  • 1


  • 7


  • 5


A short romance with a focus on the past, and a chance for the future huh

This is cute so far. Looking forward to more! Just don't break my heart as well ;-;

Here's the webnovel I'm writing right now; it's for the Action-Fantasy Tourney Tapas is hosting till the end of the month. I'd really appreciate any show of support back, as I'm currently gunning to try and pass the first round of judging.


Have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, subscribe let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment1

Hi, thank you for your comments on my comic and EMJI's. I subbed and commented on your webnovel. Username is Valerie, by the way.:smiley: