In the isolated, Emerald City, sixteen-year-old Valmet’s world shatters when a horrific encounter with a monster leaves her clinging to life—until a dark deal pulls her back from the brink. Now bound to a mischievous demon with mysterious motives, Valmet returns, but something inside her is missing: a heartbeat, warmth, even a sense of humanity.

As she and her friends struggle to uncover the city’s buried secrets, they’re plunged into a nightmare of supernatural forces and monstrous betrayals. But as they confront horrors both seen and unseen, they each face a choice: How much of themselves are they willing to sacrifice for power, for survival... and for each other?

Perfect for fans of dark fantasy and supernatural thrillers, this story weaves magic, betrayal, and moral dilemmas in a city that’s as dangerous as the monsters it hides.

  • created

    Oct '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
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