20 / 41
Aug 2017

Welcome to Tapas.
Honestly, I've been here since March 2015, but I'm new to this too, so I need help with you...
The best advice I can give you is expect nothing, but be thankful for everything, and to also make friends along the way. Connect for the sake of growth, not business.
Nice to meet you too, I'm Cydonia.

Hi! :grin: I'm already thankful for the warm welcome I've been receiving!
Yeap, definitely for growth! Hope I will improve much more with the help of the forum than when I was writing alone. It can be hard without some friends to share one's writing woes with!
Nice knowing you too! :grinning:

Yeah, you need a certain trust level on the forum to send someone a private message, and I think how you do it is to go into someone's profile, and un the top right hand corner there should be a blue box that says "message". And to private message on the actual Tapas website, go to post something on someone's wall and click the box that says "private" and it will create a private message.
I hope that makes sense :wink:

I see! Managed to find both the blue box and the private box! This would probably have taken me awhile to figure out on my own. Thanks for the info! :smile:

Eyo! I'm Bones, and I read your book Of Steel and Stones, trust and believe I'll be there for future updates!

If you want, there is a Discord community that I run where you can meet other creators (novels & comics). I'll be dropping my novel Flight of Fantasy I in early 2018, so I hope we can bounce ideas off each other.

It's nice to meet you. I'm WinterRobinhood! I gave your novel a look and I'll be around for more! Welcome to the community, I'm a writer as well and right now I'm working on Saints and Sinners1, a fantasy novel. If you're interested, feel free to check it out~! :slight_smile:

But I hope you enjoy yourself here!

Welcome! Thanks for sharing your book, I've got it in my list now too. I dig writing fantasy stuff myself (dark, admittedly) so it's nice to meet a somewhat like-minded soul.

Thanks for the support! This means a lot to me :grinning:
Sure! Will be happy to join said community, I'll just have to figure discord out first :sweat_smile:
please do let me know what you will need for me to join! Thanks again!

Thank you! :grinning: Just checked out your page, and I am impressed you have some many series already planned out. I will check them out too! I do like dark fantasy too, since it is always nice to delve into different forms of a particular genre :grin: (That said, I love dark souls and bloodborne. I think they do qualify as dark fantasy games? Haha!)
Nice to meet you too!

I'm interested...how do I join?

Hi Xzynder! :grin:
I've read Earth's Immigrants and kept it in my list! It has an interesting premise, and I will be waiting for more!