129 / 163
Mar 2021

Myths and legends from another world

Hello, timefigment! Your story has been read, assessed, and listed under the Developing Releases story index on the Archdale Virtual Bookshelf website. Once you hit 20 chapters, you can resubmit your story in order for it to receive a dedicated Story Post and gain increased exposure on the site. :slight_smile:

@delta201 Your story's link is blank/missing.

@lloyd119187 Your story has been read, assessed, and posted on the website!
Usually, I save any remarks exclusive for the Archdale Discord Community, but I felt obliged to share a few quick comments about the story so far.

I noticed that you use a 'nameless Narrator' that directly speaks to the named 'Reader.' I don't suggest doing this as speaking directly to readers breaks the story out of immersion. Also, having them 'nameless' and 'unimportant' in terms of the Narrator's identity brings direct attention to this fact making readers wonder who exactly is the speaker. This becomes distracting while reading. In the end, while the identity might be revealed and be important to the story, there is no reason to withhold some shred of who the Narrator actually is, especially if they do end up being integral to the story. And if they aren't, then all the more not to have a 'named' Narrator speaking directly to a 'named' Reader. I suggest simply going for third person omniscient without speaking directly to the reader in any form.

However, you actually do a better job giving character/individuality to your 'Narrator' than you do the actual characters of the story. This is both a strength and weakness as it dampens the impact of the actual story but demonstrates that you can make distinct personalities.

So, it's back again to naming the narrator and weaving them into the story off the bat about who they are in relation to the story, and you can always withhold the final missing jigsaw puzzle piece about their entire identity and connection to the story itself at the end. An example of a named narrator I recently came across in a book is a grandma speaking to her grandchild. But the grandchild didn't know that the grandmother was related to one of the characters in her story until the end. As the narrator of the story, she had a clear voice and diction that was engaging to listen to but weaved enough into the story to not be wholly distracting/bring out of immersion. I can see you applying something similar like this to your story, and I believe it would greatly benefit from modifying it in this way.

Of course, some of what I'm saying is preference-based, but typically, professional or traditional novels are not written with a 'named, nameless Narrator' speaking directly to a 'named Reader.' This hinges awkwardly between third person narrative and second person narrative which uses 'you' pronouns directed at the reader. That is my advice, so I hope I added some insight! :slight_smile:

All the best, and keep at writing!

Happy Wednesday!

You may check all my work, which is poetry. Here are the links
all are updated daily!

This is like my personal diary:

One Poem A day

An epic poem, my main novel:

When Death meets Chaos

Note: I usually sub back to any author that follows one of my works

Hi nixwhale and CrazyCaliope, your story has been read, assessed, and listed on the Archdale Virtual Bookshelf site under the Developing Story index. You may ask for another reassessment after 20 new chapters or the end of the story in order for it to receive a dedicated informational Story Post on it.

@nixwhale Your story received a low score, in part due to the few number of chapters you have released so far which typically results in lower scores because the story isn't developed enough. Usually, I don't offer this, but I'm open to giving you feedback that may help or give insight on writing. So, if you have any questions on how I scored, feel free to ask.

@CrazyCaliope Technically, your book is an anthology of one shots. Archdale Virtual Bookshelf excludes one shots by rule, so it will only be listed on the Assessment post and not any of the story indexes. However, the pieces were well done, so do submit any novels you may be working on or in the future as I can see the potential from these short writings.

@Verbage Your story has been read, assessed, and listed on the website indexes. The individual Story Post will be automatically posted in one day after this message. Werewolf stories are not my cup of tea, but I assess objectively abd not based on personal taste. However, you did well in having your own twist on the genre/trope with a feral born and Omicron as well as overall on characters, settings, and plot development and pacing. Good work, and keep at writing!

I decided to post after all, even though I only have 13 episodes up as of now. I do update weekly. This is my very first novel.


Of the Agency wrapped 123 episodes for book 1 (listed as part 1). Instead of creating several books, I am keeping the story as a single series with parts as I do not have a lot of subs. If you'd like to give it a go, I'd much appreciate it. If not, thanks for stopping by!

Hello! I would love if you would take a look at my novel. It is a fantasy/romance, updated weekly.
Your blog is very interesting as well!


I started Tapas in March, but I've been writing elsewhere since 2020.

If you like anime-ish stuff, my novel's pretty much my personal spin on shounen titles I used to grow up with.

It's not written in a traditional novel format, it's kinda script-like, but I hope you'll find it easy to read.

Thank you if you are reading this. I wish you a lovely day.

For the longest time, I couldn't understand what this thread was about :sweat_02:
Maybe I'm just dumb.

Anyway, here's my novel. I'm really sluggish about promotion, but I thought this would be a good opportunity.

Hope you enjoy :blush:


This is my novel I'm Alexeiv. I hope my story will be interested for you or that could catch your attention:

Haha, that's okay! As the TLDR states, I'm looking for novel recommendations which I'll read and then list on my story index blog. :slight_smile: The purpose of my blog project is to help writers with promotion as well as to help readers in finding good books to read. The Discord community is simply an optional bonus for anyone interested.

Hello everyone, hope you all are well!

Each day, a new story is posted onto our website, so we're steadily going through all the book recommendations received across five writing websites including RR.

Special Update:

We're holding a music-related, one-shot writing event in celebration of hitting over 100 members on our Discord Community Server! So everyone here is welcome to join in on the fun competition this week. Additionally, we're holding an art giveaway too for book covers. As reminder, the Discord invite link is this https://discord.gg/QQSpcmu1.

If you like BL, check out my story!

Hi there! This are the one that I recommend:
They are both new, and none from me, so just in case that you want to post them, remember to ask permission from the owner first~

And as I am here, I will just drop mine too...

10 days later

So, I actually already notified you in the Tapas comments and on Discord, as you know, but I forgot to log it was done on this thread. :laughing: Anyway, all of your recommended stories have been read, assessed, and listed on the website.

On a second note, contest submissions and voting have ended. Results will be announced in two days. Additionally, the Monthly Spotlight for March will be up shortly on the Archdale site.

Hello ! Here is my work !

Here’s mine,
it's ongoing, and I often make changes, like grammatical ones, and dialogues(tho not major plot changes, those are fixed.)