1 / 123
Dec 2020

You're minding your own business, then all of a sudden notice someone's taken the time to comment on your story. Unfortunately for you, it's a hate comment.

What did they say? And how did you react?

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There are 122 replies with an estimated read time of 20 minutes.

Sorry. Can't tell. Newer happened before

Regarding a female private detective in 1890's London (and yes, research reveals that detective agencies actually had "divisions" of women that worked for them.

Anyway.. comment was; "Self-serving profoundly dishonest piece of feminist rhetoric." He objected to an 1890's female private detective.

Imagine his surprise when the script won an award.


Write hard, write true.

For me, basically, that they couldn't "picture" what was going on in the story. I like to write from moment to moment (like in TV) so I don't spend tons of time describing every single element of the world. For ex. in my first chapter, they wanted to know why my MC was going to this room, where she was coming from, where she was going to, a complete description of herself and the room, etc. etc. It was a lose/lose situation.

I once got this comment on my novel:
"I unsubscribed from this thing why am I still receiving updates from this :unamused::unamused:"

A reader confronted them and then the commenter continued:
"I'll say it again :relieved:"
(yes as separate comments)

I took a deep breath and then went full IT support as a reply
"try unsubscribing and then clear your cookies? Just click unsubscribe once per refresh, or else you’ll sub again."
"also try logging out of your account and back in after clicking unsubscribe once"

That was my last reply in the comment chain. xD
Some other readers went in and started a big back-and-forth, but that's their business.

I want to say the worst comment is silence. It is like saying your series is not even worth being disliked, it deserves to be buried down deep for nobody to ever know it exists. At least with hate or unpleasant comments, the other side thinks it worth to spend time and effort on shitting on.

Also some comments I have gotten from different discontinued series:

"Which is better? This series or another series?"
(I usually ignore these kind of comments, I don't even know what does it mean.)

"I don't understand this shit."
( While their presentation can be shitty, this comment do not piss me off at the slightest.bI will try to explain and ask on what makes it unclear. Then I will ask other readers privately about the commenter's point for second opinions and edit my series accordingly. If readers do not understand shit you write, can you even call yourself a writer?)

Please write more bad comments to my current series, I want to feel alive :upside_down:

"Scattered plot and unlikeable characters. Next time you want to upload something of this quality, don't"

This was on my first (and only) written short story that I posted. Granted, they probably were right (I wasn't the best at writing at the tender age of 14) but still hurt and I stopped writing all together after that u..u

I'm glad I don't receive those kinds of comments anymore on my comics.

Thats such a mean thing to put on someone's work though omg Im so sorry! (Glad you didnt give up on posting creative works tho!)

Someone said my 3D backgrounds looked terrible. I asked them how to fix it and they basically said "idk"

I think the worst I've gotten was someone's bad joke about switching my tv object head's static screen to sports or something, the irony of the situation is that it was a vent art i think (might've deleted the episode so i don't remember)

Honestly people who take the time to leave crappy comments don't feel worth my time unless i'm in the mood to give some kind of snarky comeback but nine times outta ten i'll just ignore or delete (something i appreciate tapas for having)

The worst comment I've ever gotten was on a fanfic complaining that I didn't tag for S&M. ...And there wasn't any S&M. There was light bondage at the end, so maybe they had their terminology confused. But it was weird that they felt the need to comment again five minutes later about it.

This is a bit of a sidebar since it's not a bad comment, but I once had a review where someone said they 'liked the surprising twist'... and I'm still confused as to what they were talking about. It was a fairly predictable romance. There was literally nothing surprising about it

I got one where it said that my comic would better if it were drawn by someone else.
I had to agree.

Still hurt though.

Ha! I got the opposite issue on a short novel. It was long time ago, so I don't remember exactly the comment, but I put a warning for sexual content and a reader complained it was too mild and was not qualifying as sexual.
The surprising thing is that they were not conplaining as, it is too ridiculous a warning ( I put it only because I knew I had very young readers, it is true it was probably borderline SFW so I totally would have understood an annoyance about a unnecessary warning). But no, the reader was outraged that they read the (short) chapter and got no hot sex :sweat_smile:

I get a good amount of horrible comments, especially for one of my older series which has attracted a rather... entitled readership. (and is one of the many reasons contributing to it's hiatus, like I willingly want to deal with that fucking fanbase again)

But a recent one I got for a comic on a long hiatus could basically be summed up as "We've had a pandemic for months yet artist still hasn't found time to update, meanwhile I graduated starts listing life achievements they did while I was 'lazy and not updating."

As I apparently am not affected at all by the pandemic or everything else happening, and any problem I have in my life could not possibly equal enough to excuse putting a comic on hiatus, such as constant deaths in the family, losing jobs and contracts, health issue upon health issue and just living in constant debilitating physical pain.

It's too bad that people have to give such demeaning comments to creators and fellow humans. I haven't posted my comics yet, but I plan to. I can't say that the comment I received was hate necessarily, but blatant ignorance for the genre. I had a friend, who I don't think really watched anime, tell me that my stuff didn't look like anime because my main character's hair wasn't spiky enough. I think a lot of these comments from people can be chalked up to: "Do you understand what people go through to create their works?" I have a feeling they don't. It hurts to read what nasty things people have said to other creators. Granted, mine isn't really that harsh. But my point, again, is that sometimes I think a lot of people don't take into consideration what goes into creating something, and that those creators are real people.

I haven't received any hate comments on Tapas yet. But I did back on my old site. Most of them were pretty tame. "I don't like what you're doing with the material." "This sucks." "Why'd you do an OC? OC's are lame." Basically your generic "I don't like it because it's different and I don't like different." style of commentary.

There was this one guy who I ended up having to block. He kept spamming my review feed with complaints about the way I was taking the story. And these were seriously long-winded rants that would go on for entire paragraphs. Like, I was a little impressed he could keep it up for as long as he did.

Ultimately though, I got tired of his shenanigans and his spamming and blocked him from reviewing. :grimacing:

I haven't gotten any bad comments on Tapas (YET!), but the worst one I have gotten was on Wattpad which irritates me to this day.

"I am surprised that this chapter was actually well written"

I know that sounds like a compliment, but the subtext was that they read the very first chapter, misunderstood it, and thought the story was so bad that they were "surprised" that the next chapter was "good" :rolling_eyes: yeah, asshole.