3 / 12
Jul 2024

Share a situation from your story and let other authors answer what their ocs would do in the situation.

I'll start:

Alicia's crush and bff stopped her after she'd taken one bite of a bonbon, and insisted (playfully) that was the flavor he wanted.

What would your oc do in this situation with their own bf/crush?

I’ve taken one bite when Kattar scares me half to death - saying suddenly - “Wait! Is that the goober nougat?! I want that one!”

“I already took a bite out of it,” I stammer, somewhere between annoyed and disconcerted.

“Don’t care.”

I surrender the half-eaten bonbon but feel the need to add, as a last, exasperated complaint “It’s just a glorified peanut butter cup.”

Kattar smiles impishly, self-satisfied, a brilliant flush blooming in his cheeks as he pops the bonbon into his mouth, watching my face the whole time.

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    Jul '24
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    Sep '24
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Eli looks at Kattar as it occurs to him he'd eat the bonbon despite it clearly having his own bite marks and saliva on it. The though of having to watch someone else eating it filled his stomach with a sickly feeling. And so, he popped the rest of the chocolate in his mouth, doing his best to avoid Kattar very disappointed look.

"Suede should be hear with an extra jacket soon," Candace said. You smile. Candace had been more then helpful since you stepped foot onto the campus. Now she was searching for a way for you to change out of your sill damp clothes (you don't want to talk about how THAT happened.)

You take one step into the classroom, about to respond to Candace invitation to hangout after school.

When you are splashed by a bucket of water. By none other then your old middle school bully. "Wait...you're not Koi?" Is all the bully says.

What would your OC do?

Oh, I really meant in response to their own bff/crush xd

"wait big guy!!!" it was too late Higen bit into the chocolate, stopping after his best friend stopped him from eating the treat "This is good, is this that red thingie we sometimes find in the market?" "yes that one is lychee filled... can I have- HEY!!!" Higen moved the chocolate slowly towards his mouth "You wouldn't dear" "try me pretty boy" The atmosphere was so tense that it could be cut with a knife, Ozwald took another bonbon from the box and bit into it reviling the mango filling inside "muh muh! I got your favorite Big Guy what about a trade" Higen squinted his eyes and extended his bitten bonbon to his friend in the blink of an eye the exchange took place, "what the hell are you two doing?" Niko asked them "We have been watching too many hostages shows on TV"

In your situation, my oc Wolliw would probably notice the signs and start flirting a bit. Not much, though. He's not a showoff. Plus, his species of one-eyed lifeforms have a very specific way of going about romance. They're reserved, yet charismatic.

Here's my situation from my illustrated novel, CHASM:

You wake up in a dark, cavernous land with no memories. Next to you, a strange sign reads these words:

"This is your doing. Welcome to the Chasm. Hopefully, you will learn the meaning of it all."


ohh, he does better than alicia lol

Essence would try very hard to go back to sleep, believing she was having a very vivid dream about one of the books she edits.

21 days later

Just as your character is waving goodbye to their best friend, they recognize a man who has been stalking them standing across the street with his dog that he uses to trap your oc. what does your character do?

19 days later

Your OC is randomly assigned the care of a younger relative out of the blue, how do they react?

I glance over at the living room, and though the child’s posture has barely changed, I can tell she’s listening to everything we say.

I can’t just say no.

Far be it from me to try to make her feel worse.

If that’s what people feel in situations like this…

When it’s not her fault everybody’s passing her around like a hot potato.

I can’t imagine how worthless and unwanted that must make a kid feel…being passed off on neighbors and relatives because her mother had other plans…

I try to look sweet, but I’m sure I don’t succeed, bending over to look the child in the face as she looks up in our direction now. “What’s your name, little one?”

“Ayla Deanne Graham.”

She seems scared of me, and answers like she’s in homeroom as the teacher is taking attendance, but I can’t blame her, as I try to smile genuinely and probably look like something from her worst nightmares.

“My name is Miss Essence. I’ll be taking you to school from now on, is that alright with you?”

She kind of nods but not really.

I guess we both just know there are no better options.

18 days later

Mora would probably start looking around for some sign of where she was and how she got there. Most likely her memory would be jogged pretty quickly the second she started drying out and had to find a source of water, which would immediately make her start glowing.

Elyn would slightly blush and feed the bon bon to crush

Naaririel would be a complete tease and hold the bon bon in his mouth, wanting to do a Lady and the Tramp moment

Lillian would eat the bon bon

Coostaark would offer the bon bon

Elyn would happily watch the kids. Healthy lunches and dinner. Story time with a pillow fort. Ice cream sundaes for all.

Naaririel babysitting would be like Sonic babysitting,tons of fun and the house would be clean before the parents get back.

Lillian would need a babysitter.

Coostaark already has kids so he’ll do great just think Elyn but with a bit more junk food and food

this is for sure what Kattar would do too. Seems like they've got similar methods of operation lol.

yikes lol