191 / 230
Feb 2021

Hi! My webcomic series is a sci-fi & adventure story about a mind-uploading. Feel free to visit and read it!

A short little webcomic oneshot I posted not too long ago.

I'd love it if you gave my new comic a look, not a single sub so far <3 its about friends, family and ghosts!

56 episodes and you haven't read one?! the cheek of it!
There's a guy with a TV head and a mustache dad fighting in my comic RIGHT NOW!

Well here's my webcomic... Haven't read it yet? Go ahead and read it now before I take it down, coz revamping of this series is coming soon...so check it out.

I'm back again please subscribe :hype_01:

I love the title of the topic. Here's my story and I hope you guys like it:

Here’s my comic! Please feel free to check it out if it interests you!

If you like post apocalypse-ish things come check out my comic! :smiley:

If you are in the mood for existential dread, and something that requires you to think a lot, here is my comic.

Hi! Last year I started to publish my very first webcomic, it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world that was taken over by demons and among them is someone who refers herself as The Demon Slayer. This whole story was inspired by DOOM, Samurai Jack, Borderlands franchise etc etc, It's a HUUUGE passion project of mine ^^ !!!

I’m 16 years old and I will post episodes every Sunday starting with the second episode next week!

I don't remember if I've already posted here, altough the title seem familiar, Buuuut, I've recently updated ALL the released chapter so that they are now "Mobile Friendly", so, for whoever might be interested...

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Slice of Life
Set in a "Fantasy" world with Sci-fi roots, "Stories from the Golden Garden" is a "Slice of Life" anthology that, following the Prologue, tells 5 short stories based around 4 Holidays that are celebrated by the Main Characters, and the origin Story of the main protagonist of "The Golden Garden".

Enjoy your stay, have a Nice day!