18 / 32
Mar 2022
18 days later

If I had to choose my top 5 then these down below would be my favorites
They are random and not connected to each other

If you like what you see come and check out My comic

I went all out with my first page so here it is!

Here are some of my favourite panels in my usual style:

This is from a future page and I just can't wait that long to share it. I don't always do complex background work but I love getting occasionally lost in the details.

28 days later

I am actually 9 SUBSCRIBE AWAY from 100 subscribing! WOW!
I am so happy, I want to thank all those who subscribe to Infinite Strike so far,
You guys are awesome
I just update 2 days ago my comic Infinite Strike Chapter 29: New Recruit! for my Webcomic Infinite Strike
If you like a story of manipulation and devotion, then come and check it out A
give a like and subscribe
Don't hesitate to leave a comment; I love hearing from you guys; I seriously love reading it, they always make my day

Your colors palette is so pleasing to look at, and the style and character designs are lovely! Can I live in your comic please? :'D

These are some of my favorite panels from my own comic! c:

In general, I like my posing, expressions, and line art- especially in dramatic action scenes. I think my designs, colors, and shading could be stronger, but I find that really I look forward to experimenting and continuing to improve my style in future episodes- I have a lot of fun creating this stuff :slight_smile:

When the guy you're talking to just flakes out when your friend shows up to scold you.

Learn more:
A Fresh Friend, an Undertale Comic. Updating later today if all goes well.
Genres: Gaming, Slice of Life, Drama

I was pretty happy with this page over all. I super nervous making it, as It's pretty outside my comfort zone. Im still not sure if its too dark or not.. =/
But I really wanted to get some heavy hints in to my MCs past and his character, and why he reacts the way he does. It's a page that takes the comic from, oh its a fun action fantasy with sexy girls, to, oh hey, this guy actually has some issues, and its about more than just sexy girls.

1 month later

closed May 17, '22

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