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Sep 2024

Basically, what was share the first panel where your characters appeared in the story, or the first line and/or line of dialog that referred to them in the story.

Ayla debuted with quite an unusual ringer:

“Ma, whose little girl is that in the living room?”

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
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Sir Kiljaos the lion paladin's and his horse Stormblåst's first appearance:

And Sir Kiljaos's face reveal:

Zak the fox pirate's first appearance:

Zofie the vixen pirate's first appearance:

San the lynx cleric's first appearance:

Sir Kerram the komodo knight's and Bodom the reptile ranger's first appearance:

Ydia the chanting goshawk's first appearance (she did appear in the background couple of times before this panel but this is where she was properly seen for the first time):



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I spun around to be met with the top of a man’s broccoli hairstyle. He had a model-looking Barbie doll with blue hair linked to his arm, reigning over him by at least five inches.
He was the definition of a man-child.
There was no way he was older than twenty, poking around his phone with one hand, having the other one firmly grabbing the side-piece’s butt.

Knight Commander Zantar

He held himself with an air of authority that clearly intimidated the knight next to me. Everything from how straight his shoulders were to how he held his helmet under his arm screamed, “Hello. I am in charge here,” and I couldn’t help but respect a display of confidence like that. There was something to admire in this man.
Oh. And his face was okay too, I guess.


The tallest one looked as normal as could be. Dark hair, dark eyes, and a face most people would consider conventionally attractive. He stood at perfect attention, back straight, like he was ready to march into battle, right here right now.
[No pic available]


Next to him was a shorter fellow with a smile stretched from ear to ear. His hair was tight curls that were bouncing up and down with him in what I could only imagine was pure excitement. I didn’t know what was so amusing about going on a world-ending quest, but as long as he was having a good time with it.
[also no pic available]


The man to his right was… big. Not necessarily tall, but wide. Buff as all hell. I was surprised he fit into that armor without his arms popping through the metal. Damn, dude. I didn’t remember anyone from the book being described as a monstrous bodybuilder. [Assume no more pics from here]


Lastly there was the most normal looking guy ever. Sorta skinny, sorta muscular. Not too tall, not too short. Pale complexion that practically matched the silver of his armor. I’d have hardly noticed him if he hadn’t been slowly sharpening a knife while he waited... and the fact that his hair was as red as blood.

Lillian Chapter 1 part 4
“Lillian I fancy meeting you here.” He smirked his head still involved in the book he was currently reading .
“Silly master you summoned me here hehe.” She giggled fluttering around.

Coostaark Chapter 2 part 5

“ Ahh a fellow guardian before me,a rare sight indeed.” A loud voice boomed taking Elyn out of her thoughts. She took a good look at the man, he was large ,jolly, and like most others in their field he worn a long colorful cloak ,it was a splendid bright lavender color. Underneath a simple pair of trousers and a colorful silk shirt. If it wasn’t for the horns sticking out from his bald head,Elyn would have thought he was human

“I’m Elyn .” she said reaching her right arm out to firmly shake the man’s hand

“Nice to meet ya Elyn name’s Costaark.” He said eagerly shaking her hand back.

Elias Chapter 1 part 1
For ten years now this was what gave Elyn her reason to live, she wanted to give Elias a proper burial,she wanted to solve this mystery for her parents who never had the opportunity to give their son a proper funeral,Elyn wanted to guide Elias to Famuria.
“ Elias would love the blueberry sweet cream buns.” Elyn said quietly

Tholdir Chapter 3 part 8
A-are you really apart of the order?” Mog asked ,part of him felt stupid,clearly the man had a cloak and from what Mog remembered, the guardians wore cloaks ,almost as if they were taking inspiration from Tholdir becoming a guiding light for the newly found souls.

The man shook his head ,as he was fumbling around his pockets, until he pulled out a beautiful turquoise circular pin. It resembled that of the souls the guardians were tasked into leading back home back to Tholdir back to Famuria.

Uuuuu, seems interesting OwO)b
My MC woke up with a bang, and by bang, I mean gasp
The next thing he said was, "Who are you?", but to who?
Find out next in the story :wink:

Oooh, this is a fun prompt!
A couple side characters I love in my story:
Ms. Garnet - I walked over to the teacher, Ms. Garnet, who was at her desk and quietly apologized for being late. I then went on to ask to be reseated. When I had glanced over to the back of the class, I’d noticed my previous seat had been taken over by someone’s feet.
Even if my seat was free, there was no way I was mentally prepared to sit next to the people who currently looked like lions eyeing up their next meal. Our desks were also paired up, so I would’ve been within half a meter of someone who used me as an ashtray when we were "friends". Or at the very least teammates.
The MC's mom, Amelie - I greeted my mom even though I couldn’t see her from where I was, and sat down at the kitchen table. She entered the kitchen and greeted me back.
“You’re back early, did you have a half-day?” I asked, sipping on my tea as mom put down her purse and keys on the counter.
“You’re one to talk, but yes I did.”
She gave me a hug, and as she pulled away she examined my face.
“Did something happen?”
Her voice and expression were now filled with worry.
My mom had always been there for me and there was never a time I couldn’t confide in her. She even knew I had gone to the party and usually there was nothing but minor details I spared from what I told her.
This time all she knew was I went to a party during her night shift, met some teammates and made my way home. I had texted her hourly updates which had been our agreement but never told her about what Cameron did. I wanted to tell her everything, but at the same time it felt like a lump had formed in my throat, making me unable to.
“Um… Kinda.. But I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it right now”
“.... Okay, well, just know I’m here for you whenever you feel ready, love. Are you doing okay?”
She brushed my hair off my face and let her hand fall on my shoulder.
I took a deep breath and sighed.
“I know, and honestly… not really, no.”
I put my hand over hers.
“But I’ll try to get there”

16 days later

Judith's first lines:

“Hello? Mora? Mora, are you there? Can you hear me?”

All the doors have been closed, but for all I know, the George’s could be just outside, I try to make my voice and reply both sound natural, “Um, yeah. I’m here and I can hear you.”

Just barely, over the sound of my own heartbeat that feels like it’s whaling away at my chest way too loudly.

“Oh, thank goodness. They told me you fainted. Is everything okay? What happened?”

“I’m fine,” I fib, more or less honestly, answering the first question but ignoring the second as my tongue roots around in my mouth for a lie. “I just got a little bit…dizzy…I guess.”

No use trying to lie about that when she already knows I fainted, but that admission is already good as selling myself out.

My chest starts to feel hot and constricted, or contaminated with this nervous attempt at calm.

“Oh?” The tone is too sweet.

This is the woman who taught me how to lie, how am I supposed to trick her?

We’re playing hangman, but I’m the dummy, betting with my life, or my sanity.

Chloe enters the chat:

“What’s up gang? What are you all up to?” Chloe says, hopping into the car.
“Your attempt at American slang while being completely British is still hilarious to me. It’s y'all not you all,” I tell her.
“Well the ladies think it’s hot, so your opinion doesn’t really matter. Plus, y’all is more of a Texas thing and your name may be Dallas, but you're not from Texas. You’re from Miami, you wanker,” she replies.

Introducing a more antagonistic character :smiling_imp:
Chapter 6 part 3
"Oh, harken thou, Old Ones, blessed be thy name, for we are eternally your thankful children. We shall usher in the age of eternal bliss you have awaiting for us.” A voice cried out as thunderous applause accompanied them.
The figure speaking was not an impressive one—plain white robes, goldenheads of hair, a torn black cloth covering his eyes. Through sun rise and sun set, the figure spoke of the Old Ones and how one day they will return and how the citizens of Adamas should celebrate their welcome.

“Heed thy warning, beloved children, for the great egg of the goat is upon us.” The figure cried out; their voice echoed while a puff of smoke stood in their place.

Icaren took a long drink of water as he appreciated the beautiful sunset in front of him. Each day brought a new opportunity to save others, to convert the sinners, and to save them from judgment and themselves. It was his duty to tell the others of ancient teachings and speard the Old Ones words.