37 / 59
Sep 2020

You can try mine :slight_smile:

Inspired to share my comic as well :3c !

Hmmm mine isn't a comedy but there will be some BL in it later on :thinking: It's more of a plot driven slice of life fantasy with a heavy focus on character relationships.

Mine is a Rom Com, slice of life doodle, The pages are unrelated so you can start from anywhere.It consists of 68 single page episodes with pictures!!!

I read yours. I like your style but I have no clue what's going on xP There hasn't been a hook to ground me yet and make me curious about what's to come because I don't know what's happening right now! lol Hopefully I'll be able to come back to it later on when you've got more done and be able to read it and get more interested but for now it just doesn't have enough for me. :sweat_smile: You have good pacing and art style so I hope you get there soon!

Here is mine :slight_smile:

If you insist!

The story revolves around 2 kids trying to figure out some stuff about them and getting tangled in the mess of adult world.

I already love the character dynamic in your comic ehehhe, subscribed!

Here's my comic! I always have a hard time describing it lol, it's a fantasy/comedy? But the fantasy elements show up more later... it's about a nerd princess looking for weird/paranormal stuff (also lots of nekogirls and nekoboys)


Mine is more in the action/sci fi genre, but there will definitely be a good amount of humor too to break up the tension! I'd say the humor style is a bit more on the Japanese/anime side so if that's up your alley, check it out!

I've got 3 of them (and working full time, who needs life anyway? 'xD)

Not as NSFW as the title may suggest - over 100 pages in and I"m finally getting to the titular bdsm part 'xD Mostly just two dorks really into each other ;p

What do you do when you feel like drawing something but don't know what? I have a tendency to create a fanservicy demon oc. What do you do when you're feeling down because of world getting royally effed up? I've decided to give all those ocs a story ;p

And the story of my oldest oc in use which I've been trying to tell since early middle school over a decade ago

Maybe some lighthearted GL would be up your alley? My comic is about a witch and a mermaid who fall in love and it just came off of hiatus! :blusht:

My comic is set in the modern era and is a world where supernatural beings of all kinds exist, it focuses on action but it is a long form storytelling comic, hopefully its to your taste :smiley:

awesome I just uploaded my new update on SLASH

here's mine. Checking demons mask now ^_^