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Apr 2024

I wanted to start a thread exclusively for Dark Fantasy genre Comics & Novels. Share your series here and feel free to add a synopsis or a cover if you like!

In a savage world where bloody conflicts between humans and the anithos clans take roots in religion, oppression, and prejudice, the anithos people are rallied to action by the advent of the prophesied guardian goddesses. Galleon and his comrades are tasked with freeing their enslaved clansmen and restoring balance between the races, but it is a thin line between revenge and justice.

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    Apr '24
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    Apr '24
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Not sure if my webtoon counts as dark fantasy since it overlaps with modern world setting, and angels and demons are debatable as "fantasy creatures" depending on who you ask...

Contains dark themes like inequality, angst, suicide, etc.

The year is 202X... And the world gets sunk deeper and deeper into illusion. More and more pain and suffering ensues as a result. And it will only get worse...

My novel and comic are both dark fantasies. In fact, the novel is horror as it is an adaptation of Frankenstein so expect body horror and monsters. The comic is a nod to rated R 80s media. You know, back when rated R lived up to its rating.

My completed adaptation of Jekyll & Hyde can be considered as a dark fantasy as it has the theme of crime, noir and mystery.

Angels, demons, a neverending war...
I think my novel fits the descriptions "fantasy" and "dark". :wink:
Be aware, it's 18+, cause there are a lot of mature topics.
Well, an angel going through hell, fighting for her life and her freedom, that's no piece of cake.

Oh, and btw, so happy I found your comic again! I don't know where I've read it the first time, but I immediately recognized it, and am so happy to be able to read on here. :grinning:

My fantasy comic Karamador starts very dark with the pilot episode, but then lightens up while still having dark moments at times.
Karamador is set in a world inhabited by humans and human-like animals and insects known as anhinis, during a reneissance- fantasy time era, during the times of great dangers and legendary heroes. We mostly follow the adventures of Sir Kiljaos Windmane, the lion paladin of wind. Sir Kiljaos is a wandering paladin who travels around his homeland Pohjoland and the other parts of Karamador as knight errant, fighting the forces of chaos and helping those in need. During his adventures he also meets and teams up with many different companions to fight the evil forces that come in many forms, like ruthless insectoids, ravenous undeads, sinister bandits and mages, and monstrous creatures.

Although Karamador is set in a fantasy world, many of it's locations are based more or less on real locations. Many of the stories also involve real life legends and folk lore, especially from Finland and Scandinavia.

OOOh ! I'm happy to see a thread for dark fantasy :eyes:
it's one of my favorite genres

My comic is about the dark history of Celtic folklore

I grew up with a lot of dark fantasy movies like The Last Unicorn and The Secret of Nymn and I feel like my art style reflects that a lot. It makes me a bit sad though because they really don't make animated movies the same any more.

No cover, I'm poor and suck at drawing. :frowning:

my first novel, hope you like it.
I'm planning to update a new chapter at least every week.
The story will get even darker as the story goes on...

The overall plot revolves around several MCs who are asymptomatic carriers of a virus, one that transforms anyone these carriers make contact with into monsters, but also grants the carriers superhuman abilities. Dark fantasy is a large influence as animals infected by these carriers echo fantasy beasts such as a bat becoming Wyvern-like. Various powers of the carriers take cues form D&D classes and classic monsters. Evan can calcify his saliva into swords, daggers and explosive traps and behaves like a swordsman/thief class. Raffa in his vapor state behaves like a Lycan/Beastmaster class by shifting into wolves and bears.