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May 2024

The first I'll share is "Sticky Black." I'm just in love with the way I managed to express all the feelings going on in Alicia's head. Fading in and out of consciousness, the extreme pain and dizzy confusion. It's chaotic to read and that's intentional. I wanted to write it in a way that let people actually feel all the things my leads is feeling and I think I succeeded. The choppy sentences and weird mental imagery add to the sense of everything being scrambled, and to this day, it's still one of my proudest chapters, even though it's also the second one in the book. A have to really thank my developmental editor for the fact that this chapter exists, as I was going to skip over them being in the hospital straight to the lead being discharged but he told me it would ruin the momentum, and I'm very glad I listened to his advice.

It was originally going to be called “Symphony in Red." The winning piece…

-the emergency room is awash with light - bubbling with bodies.

Nothing has ever hurt so bad.

The air is morbid with the scent of blood and the chemicals used for sterilization. Poisonously clean. I almost swoon from dizzy nausea, feeling the light pass away from me in phases.

The shadows settle, swamping mine, like a heavy blanket thrown over my head. I’m abducted and dragged further into the darkness.

As the first rush of the painkillers bleeds through my system I lose touch with my surroundings, almost convinced I’m standing in a vast emptiness, watching the clouds blot out the sun, and submerge me in sticky black. Sweat glitters on every inch of unbroken skin, and pools in places I didn’t know I could sweat, saturating my hair and running down my face, into my eyes.

It’s washed out by a scorching bright- pure white, with spots of noxious neon.

The endless hum of over-bright. LED. electric lights. sings in my ears like a chorus of skittish cicadas, fanning their wings, as if they’re desperate to escape. I can’t blame them. Trembling like a miniature earthquake. My body tries to make sense of this cataclysm that’s left my world seeing stars.

My head spins again, turning bodies topsy turvy. Smearing faces into the paint. Baptized with blood in the white space. I’m not even sure when I woke up or how long I’ve spent lying here, staring at the walls or the ceiling. My senses are all scrambled. Am I facing the left or the right? Am I hearing or feeling the voices crashing around me, a barrage of nervous wrecks? I swim in the excruciating sensation, almost blacking out. I feel as though I'm hanging from the rafters by my hair, and the pressure in my neck only increases with every crash of my heartbeat. My mouth defies me as I try to call for a nurse - my jaw is locked tight as if it’s been screwed shut and it's stubbornly set on staying that way for the moment. The whole thing fills. With bitter bile. I can’t swallow. And I try desperately not to drown before somebody finds me.

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    May '24
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    Sep '24
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I would say the end of each book are my favorites as the whole book is leading up to the climax. I get to pay off the build-up. The arc of Gavin meeting the Devil was also very fun to write and draw.

22 days later

"Black Bile" is one of my absolute favorite chapters. I love the title and the meaning behind it, I love the scenes in the chapter itself.

Black Bile is one of the medieval humors, and was considered responsible for melancholy.

The chapter was originally supposed to go much differently than it did and it became one of the first times my female lead annexed the plot out of my hands and created her own (and first) anti-damsel moment by refusing to have a breakdown/meltdown and instead comforting her sweetheart.

It's also just one of the most touching and emotional parts of the first book to me.

26 days later

"Sidewalk Chalk" is one of my favorite chapters of DITRD because of the range of emotions that I got to write from the characters even in such a short space of time. They are complex people, and I loved letting people be able to see a new side of Kattar and Alicia's relationship, as well as a little further into Alicia's head. The chapter is heavy and romantic, and beautiful and sad all at once, and one of my proudest works so far, imao

22 days later

I like chapter 11 - https://tapas.io/episode/3234944

Especially this line:

"Wasn't.........mother also an item purchased without knowing it's name?" Her words dripped with a hidden, ominous implication, her eyes wide and emotionless, as if a lifeless shell masquerading as a person concealed a harrowing void within. Each syllable oozed with a sinister undertone, her voice as chilling as a graveyard whisper. With a vacant, soulless expression, she seemed an empty vessel, harboring a bottomless darkness that threatened to swallow everything in its wake.

Anyways~ Check out my novel and gimme a sub - Just know it's Dark Fantasy:

21 days later

Rn, my favorite chapter of "Crystal Blue" is probably the first, because it pushed me so far out of my comfort zone, as I've never written action sequences before really, and I'm proud of how it all turned out. I think it reads like the first scene of a movie as readers get to 'watch' Mora escape the man who is hunting her down

Chapter 54, in which the drag queens go to a preschool to read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie to young children. It's very heartwarming, but also hilarious. The preschool is rural and owned by the sister of one of the queens. They go every year to help teach the kids about all the different kinds of people in the world. The opening scene is the one queen's sister berating him for coming as a "literal monster" since he showed up looking like female Slenderman. He says he is not Slenderman, but Slenderina. She hits him a few times (as older sisters do for discipline) and her students yell, "TEACHER IS HITTING SLENDERMAN! GET HIM!"and what follows is one of the most hilarious sequences in the whole book. The kids know this queen in costume and out of it, so they're really just going after the equivalent of their uncle, as his sister explains to an alarmed queen who's first time it is being there. Later on, the queens answer very innocent questions, such as, "do you like spaghetti" "do you like Princess Elsa" and then they all decorate cookies together since these queens are from French Cup which is a bakery.

19 days later
19 days later

I really liked getting to write Kattar flirting with Alicia here lol:
Kattar smiles, now, just slightly, but sincerely, and I feel a warmth like mild sunshine wash me in comfort, if only for an instant, even as I recognize that sly energy that I pretend not to.

“Fine, do you know what I really want?” He tilts his head with that same subtle smile, crossing his arms over his cable-knit chest.

“What?” I ask slowly, as I cram as much of the pretzel as I can manage into my mouth to try to avoid dropping any crumbs on his couch.

“The other half of that pretzel you’re eating.”

He grins roguishly, and before I can say anything in response, he leans forward across the cushions, and bites off the other half of my pretzel, with a sort of half-kiss that turns my whole face burning red.

“Get your own!” I bluster, embarrassed and flustered in a sort of butterfly-ish flutter as he re-steals the pretzel bag and plops back against his pillows on the opposite end of the couch, “Give me that back!”

“Not on your life,” he grins, placing one of the pretzels between his teeth teasingly. “If you want it, come and get it.”

new episode as its the start to the romance

From Brood Knight... ch16
I like this chapter because it shows some of the things Cedrick had to face... in his char development...

From MAG ISA ch3

I like this because this is something that didn't come from my own mind. I was not in a good mental state in 2008. If I honestly believed these words back then I won't have been such a trainwreck.

As for the current comic... it's still to come. I was literally in tears when I wrote a particular chapter in AngHell Dela Blackpill...

Definitely chapter 7 for my novel, The Scarlet Thread.

It's right before the leads regress into their younger selves. They have a final, tearful goodbye just as my female lead, Auriella, perishes due to the male lead, Leo's, father and his very fragile ego. It made me cry writing it, so you know it's good. But, I'll let you be the judge of that :wink: And here's my cat to entice you if that wasn't enough :joy::blep:

yeah, i know a chapter is good if it makes ME cry writing it lol