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Oct 2019

The process is just as important as the finished product! :hype_01: So if you want to you can share your WIP here. Here's mine. It's the new cover of Crest of Chaos9.

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I hope it doesn't matter what kind of WIP it is! This it like a return to form for me since it's been a while since I made something like this. I've redesigned a bunch of fairy tale characters and made portraits of them. Can you guess who she is?

I'm not going to share too much in terms of pages currently in progress because spoilers, but I have lots of bits and bats of images of my in-progress pages because I often share them with my fiance when she's at work or post them on Twitter.

I work in Clip Studio because oh boy do I love those panelling tools! The EX version also allows me to have a project all as a single document so I can see all my pages. Finally the inking is just chef's kiss :kissing_heart:

I work with two layers of digital pencils, so sometimes characters get shuffled around a bit. Sometimes though I'm really happy with the first pass and keep it. There are even changes I made this page at the inking pass. There's always a chance to iterate!

My fiance turned this one into an omake after I sent her the screencap.... dammit, Shaz!

Okay THIS one is from a page I'm currently working on. When I'm inking, I generally just use the top pass of pencils. The backgrounds are always grey because it's easy on the eyes.

Here's a couple of pages from Narwhal's Song... I'm kinda stuck after these, but I'm trying to get more pages done before I start uploading again next month.

I've started using procreate since I got an ipad and it's been really helping me draw faster, but it's kind of a pain to export all the files to my pc and add the text on clip studio paint...... :cry_02:

sometimes I just want to throw in the towel and finish the story out like that, just sketchy blue lines, but I feel like my readers would murder me hahaha!

I feel the same sometimes. especially because I can whip out 30+ sketchy thumbnails on a good weekend and I'm so excited to get the story going I just want to post them, but then I'm like, no, finish the pages. haha. it's a slow process but it's worth it :3 that's why I'm glad threads like this exist and that some people want to see some behind the scenes stuff.

4 months later