1 / 16
Sep 2024

Share your story here and accept others reasonable feedback (both what you like of the story and what you believe could improve) - a healthy outlet to improve where others see what the creators cannot

As for me - Novel - Her Writer's Block

Check out Her Writer's Block on Tapas https://tapas.io/series/Her-Writers-Block3

Personally I believe you cannot get an accurate sense of a plot until at least the third chapter for an average flowing plotline - as for slow burn plots a better sense of the authors intentions comes later closer to 5-10 chapters in - so personally i will give some feedback on the plotline and characters development and decide by the 10th chapter to subscribe please do the same if you decide to read my novel unless you have that definitive feeling the story is or is not for you - and it would be greatly appreciated if you could share on what your deciding factor was - thank you

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
  • 15


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I've subbed yours. Will check it out a bit later.

Dropping mine here in the meantime for any feedback. Would appreciate it.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

@TheProlific - To let you know - I have read the first chapter and intend to view more before subscribing - however - i would like to give my initial opinion

Narration 7/10
When narrating i like how detailed you are- the setting almost comes alive - but when narrating I personally think with this type of setting it would be amazing on how you would convey each character's emotion better through first person
Character Design 5/10
I do like how you described the personality of the characters it helps bring the character alive - but to add to that lifeness it would help to see the descriptions of the characters in this type of format where you began with an introduction of the characters- maybe add a bit of desciptive words of the appearance
Pacing ?/10
I will return after reading more chapters
Storyline ?/10
I will return once i have a better understanding in the later chapters - although i will say i like the idea and am looking forward to seeing how you convey this plotline
Overall ?/10
Again once i view more chapters i will give more thorough feedback

If there is anything in my feedback you disagree with i am happy to have any healthy discussion

I hope my feedback is helpful in some way and i am looking forward to the feedback you have in return - thank you

@supriyashukla2398 - i have read the first chapter and will read more to give more accurate feedback - however here is my inital opinion
If you have any thoughts about the following i am happy to have any healthy discussion
Narration 8/10
I like the narration with expressive discriptions and detailed actions with appearance and personality coming through actions and dialogue the narration is very well rounded - although personally i think emotion is better conveyed through first person you did well on explaining his fear and disorientation - but i would suggest using a more range of words in place of the repetition
Character Design ?/10
I will return once i have read more
Pacing ?/10
I will return once i hace read more
Storyline 5/10
Initially i was going to say i will return due to not getting a full read on the plotline however I have not read many BL stories and the ones i have read had no plot nor any character development so i dropped them so for your novel the story flow is interesting and i am intrigued to see what comes next
Overall ?/10
I will return once i have read more

I hope any feedback i have given is of assistance to you and i am looking for the feedback you have in return - thank you

Hi! I've been writting this comic for a while now, and I REALLY need feedback! It's a silly, fantasy story that i decided to publish, so i could "fail" bafore trying more ambitious projects, that's why I really want as much feedback as possible! <3 <3 <3

@VanilaXofee - to let you know i have read a few chapters

Art 9/10
The style of art is amazing - although i believe there is always room for improvement so that is why i rated 9 in order to refine the details
Storyline ?/10
I have read a few chapters but the plot was lost on me perhaps instead of making short part episode spend time making the full chapter even if that means uploading once every two weeks or even once every month but the plot gets lost when divided like that with only 3-5 panels in each part
Narration 4/10
It started out interesting however the dialogue is crucial for manga and the like- this does not have enough dialogue to give an accurate base for the plot perhaps try giving more detailed dialogue
Character Design ?/10
I read enough where i should have a grasp of the characters but due to the lack of dialogue i cannot get a proper read on the designs
Pacing 2/10
The pacing is frantic and unsettled - all works are very dependant on pacing - in my opinion go to fast or go to slow the plot suffers - at the begining its steady and once the characters come in chaos reigns - give a bit more plot to the setting to slow things down before having a battle break out the battle speed things up - again pacing and dialogue must marry well together if they do not the plot suffers

If you have any thoughts on the feedback i am happy to have any healthy discussion

I hope any feedback i have given is helpful in any way and am looking forward to the feedback you hsve in return - thank you

Thank! your feedback actually comes so handy! i thought that i kind of needed to go a bit quick, so i could retain my viewers attention, thanks for helping me realize my huge mistake!

thank you very much!

@VanilaXofee - i am glad the feedback helped another thing i personally do is view other works as reference not so much for plot ideas or character designs but for pacing references- in your case since you create manga/webtoon by viewing other manga/webtoon not just for the entertainment but also note how long the average chapter is, how the dialogue and pacing marry into each other, and how the settings pace out the story - having a good number of references can improve an artist by leaps and bounds
I hope this tad bit of advise assists you in some way

New creature design (with timelapse work-in-progress video)...

... and how it left the people on the harbor.