@TheProlific - To let you know - I have read the first chapter and intend to view more before subscribing - however - i would like to give my initial opinion
Narration 7/10
When narrating i like how detailed you are- the setting almost comes alive - but when narrating I personally think with this type of setting it would be amazing on how you would convey each character's emotion better through first person
Character Design 5/10
I do like how you described the personality of the characters it helps bring the character alive - but to add to that lifeness it would help to see the descriptions of the characters in this type of format where you began with an introduction of the characters- maybe add a bit of desciptive words of the appearance
Pacing ?/10
I will return after reading more chapters
Storyline ?/10
I will return once i have a better understanding in the later chapters - although i will say i like the idea and am looking forward to seeing how you convey this plotline
Overall ?/10
Again once i view more chapters i will give more thorough feedback
If there is anything in my feedback you disagree with i am happy to have any healthy discussion
I hope my feedback is helpful in some way and i am looking forward to the feedback you have in return - thank you