ok so @pjthetoonaddict actually allowed me to show her design for human!Henry so here it is:
@abigaillmartin Whey you did those pretty fast and they look super awesome
Haven't seen Clone High b4 googled it, that style looks awesome with the unique faces they got so that's awesome to hear
This was the first image I saw on Google, looks wild and trippy, love it!
Felt like i felt asleep and Rome was being built in one day seeing all these cool artwrorks
(Luckily I didn't have to go out today and literally slept in, just got up )
I starting to realize I got a thing for downturned eyes and just realized your boi Houdini also got em too
Evan got them downturned eyes too and the nose almost, maybe he a long lost descendant of Houdini or something so
@llobucervallince Damn didn't know Henry was Jacked love it! Look forward to more of hunky hare, here on this thread!
Lately I been trailing on the furry with Raffa, he a grumpy muscle-daddy type who turns into a regular wolf but been tempted to give him an anthro form
And love this collab between you and @pjthetoonaddict Human henry giving daddy vibe and Amrit got competition The rough sketch with him standing on the box to chat with Cly and they even did the tango
Cly just found himself an even more 'Baby-ier' Daddy
@Leyelle Christoper G and Mora look awesome, i see some blushies too love the way remiquise did the hair and the hints of patterns on Mora look super cool
Awesome work both of you!
@kyupol Eman get thru! She said yes
He sporting some psycho eyes in 1st frame but indeed a super cute boi next door with some stylish anime bangs! Wishing this boi next door on his 1st date
Mr Patchez Hunky display within abandoned grocery (from comic), he's a famous pro-wrestler and Owen the mc is a big fan!
Owen got his poster in his room too
Version 1 when Mr. Patchez was the mc, think I'd reuse it as a page from Owen's comic book
@abigaillmartin Super cool seeing the vast difference, by default your style is round and by default my style is pointy, super interesting And love Roy's happy expression, the high brow too
Holy moly Houdini look like a badboy ready to seduce the entire school, i love it Though they shouldv add his downturned eye, like you did for Roy in clone high style, but either way they still did a neat job
Interesting style by Quidding too always love adding that bush on the nose too
Theo is Dash right? Those big eyes are super adorable on him
You ever tried Retro Disney style b4?
Tried Evan in that style, was such a challenge to keep roundish shapes but hopefully it convincing
Tried to do the downturned eyes but wasn't getting it to look right, ended up leaving the circles lol
Would be fun to try some more of the cast in this style whenever i got time again
@IzzyBloom91 they lookin so awesome! Check out Xephy-Boi ready for halloween
Xephy-boi not going for coconuts this round, something red....ketchup... red wine.... or something more naughty Love his lil fangs
Loving all these crossovers too
Is that Cleo using her Witchy magik on Xephy-boi i see Yhep his hair looks silky soft indeed, i think i gotta ask him his hair routine
I taking too much shelter in WIP, I missing out I gotta crossover with you one day
But for now here's a crossover forum moment! Hope you don't mind Izzy
Anyone interested in joining a cool art space with fellow Tapas creators including myself and run by @IzzyBloom91
you can check this forum for more details
@abigaillmartin @pjthetoonaddict Dam Cly got busy with Wellington too
Also neat fact about Wellington bein a hippie, Cly's bellbottms probably bring back some good memories
Yes 'Baby-est Daddy' trophy, i'm all for seein this
Cly and his multiverse of hunk daddies, he prob with some of the hunky sick boy daddies in another multiverse as we speak
and for sake of Daddie-ness,
This ones still a WIP as i got to finish making the patterns for lower half of his outfit, still tinkering with the gold pieces too
The Big Baleful Beast! Tyrannical Taurus!!!
the daddy behind the mask
He sort-of cameoed in a previous episode, but recently upgraded the costume (as seen above)
lil Owen having a fanboy moment watching posters from his fave wrestling show:
@pjthetoonaddict Cly lookin stylish as always and his lil bud too, nice addition of the rhinestones on both of them. One of my fave thing is to make pattern work on character outfits so I'm here admiring yours, awesome work keeping them simple yet effective and love how it adds a triangle theme to Clys especially
Is that Cly's undercover scarf on 2nd image? n seeing Amrit makin a cameo
Love the realistic style too, its that Cly rocking some blonde locks? His rocker phase?
The short guy looks slick too, the little stars on his jacket and flower is such a nice touch
Keep it up and you know where to post these experiments of these guys whenever you do more
@abigaillmartin Yhep love it! Can totally see you enjoying the style! Your gangs literally in Clone High now n great see you took the experimentation a step further
Also I can't get over Roy and his downturned eyes
Elise using her class free time wisely, good memories of using those rl free periods to doodle away
Plus she's giving us some hunky Hudini artworks, the lil kissy faces ad hearts are the icing on the cake
Saw you were toying with the houdini with the eye-lids on the side too
Here's a hunky one from years back I never got to finishing-
a WIP as I was still ironing out the scythe's design and toying with effects and had shadows here n there to add.
He's a supporting character for another story idea called The Hudge and is meant to be an alternate-world version of Mr. Patchez.
And speakin of daddy types, the King Annex below is Dazzius' Father and the short green one, an anthromorphic Coalpot was his grand--daddy