155 / 335
Oct 2024

You get it! That's what he keeps trying to tell his brother. :weary:

Yeah, just looking at Fionn, I'd say he and Emil would probably get along well. Nice shirt, by the way, and cool glasses too!

Okay but this one screams “HISTORICAL HUNK!”

His arms!! Mmmmmm!

Had a Halloween party this evening. It was fun! I dressed as Sherlock Holmes!

Yes. It’s yours truly. In the flesh!

@abigaillmartin nice to meet you in the flesh and this Holmes hallween cosplay is epic :muscle::camera_with_flash:
Ended up doin a holmes homage too Evan and Owen surname is Moriarty and one of Evan's friends named Fiddley Haolmes
wishing you a fun trick or treating out there :jack_o_lantern:

And yesss Historical Hunk :fire: thats Henry right? love Black n White photograpy expecially how they capture contrast and a glimpse into the past.

@bulgariansumo exactly, Emil's bro bro is missing out on some rad parties :sparkler::tada: Thanks for the compliments on Fionns shirt and glassez​:pray: ended up inverting the colors and felt a mood for bright pink and ended up loving the outcome :sunglasses: hope to see more Emil on here and keep it up :art:

Harry. Not Henry you silly. 🤣

Eh Houdini has been called Harold many times in media. It’s kind of a running gag every time a new portrayal of him graces media.

I should take a crack at my own Harold joke in Elsie sometime

@abigaillmartin Henry is the secret missing brother of Harry in the multiverse 🤣 i have no clue where henry came from was rushing out the house at the time (today was also a festival called Divali so my family and i went to celebrate it by an aunts house):sparkler:🪔
lol yes you should make a Harold joke in Elsie and thats interesting being inspired when a new portrayal of him show up

Hope you solved those Halloween mysteries and recieved the sweet compesation of trick or treat candies :jack_o_lantern::muscle:

I love black and white pictures too, especially the people who came to Ellis island by boat.
For me that´s the most interesting time in history because so many people from different
european countries came there and it all mixed up.

Here is a german guy, probably a sailor (tattooed chest), this must be around 1899-
early 1900, but I´m not sure, could also be later around the fist world war 1914-1918.
He was a stoaway, maybe he fled from the war

Clyborne may dress fancy but he enjoys junk food and trashy music...as a treat. :joy:

@Lensing yep that's fascinating hearing it was a period in time when many from various European countries got mixed up. An awesome picture, looks like that center-parted hairstyle was quite popular back then, seeing Harry almost has his hair in a similar style in some pics. True, the man got style :sunglasses: seeing the bit of tattoo by his collar bone :art:
Would be awesome to make a German inspired character, and always fun learning learning about different cultures doing stuff like that :thumbsup:

When I was coming up with bits for the fictional country (Heavensea) in the comic series, drew mostly from British and American lineages but also tried to add a few other surnames eg. gave one guy the surname Örnfelt, and imagined his ancestors settled there from Sweden at some point. Was looking for aristocratic surnames a few years and Østby stood out to me, saw it's a village in Norway but also once a noble family and their coat of arms was the Rose sword (strange I can never relocate the article with the rose sword) also ended up using it for another main character's surname.
Never did deep research but also saw a Norwegian-American Jeweller, Engelhart Cornelius Østby was onboard Titanic and sadly passed away on there too.

Rowan Østby (guess that makes him a fictional descendant probably) XD

@abigaillmartin yhep had a great time indeed, always fun to help light up the place! :sparkler: :tada:

@pjthetoonaddict Cly may be shy but he's full of surprises :joy: Junk food too, Cly got some high metabolism, guessin Amrit's the healthy one of the pair to maintain that bod right? :muscle: Plus , all that fancy dressing takes effort so, worth the threat, right Cly? :joy::tada:

you know what, just to add furries to the menu here's Spring's dad aka. Henry's brother in law.
a twink fox who worked as an advisor for different royal families (he wasn't very good.)
he fell in love with Henry's adoptive big demon lord sister, he was a huge history nerd and a yapper one at that.

@llobucervallince these looking awesome! Spring's fur patterns look cool :thumbsup:
Also she a feared warlord demon who ate and killed everyone in her path :joy: she will protect this nerdy history fella for sure :muscle:
Randomly here wondering what the sickoy animal versions would be, crimson panda would clearly be a red panda and Raffa already a wolf but not sure about the others yet.

hahahahahha.... right, so ehm, bit of spoiler.

Dun dun dun (dramatic music)
He was dinner possibly? :joy:
She wasn't after nerdy stories of deep sea creatures after all huh!?

well, it's in chapter 6 of my comic, the episode talking about this should come out on december.