260 / 331
Dec 2024

I just found this and I love it!

(Why is he sitting like that?! HELP! :flushed::heart:️)

muffled screaming into pillow

@NickRowler lol Big daddy is his nickname/ codename 🤣 he looks kick ass too with the eyepatch!
They look awesome and are those fangs on Zeta or smakebite piercings? Either way he off to have some snacks :+1::art: keep it up! :smiley:

@SwordSong got to check out Immortal and Vagabond - lol i completely forgot about Samurai Warriors used to play that and dynasty warriors back in tge day, thanks to that game anytime i hear Akechi Mitsuhide or read his name in anything Japanese history related, i always think of a handsome youthful guy with long flowing hair 🤣
True, and saw Korean dramas use him as a villian role bec of he was involved in invasion of Korea i guessing.
Also reminds me of Amakusa who also had a villian-ish role in kenshin and ninja scroll series.
Interesting you also have merchant ancestry? Thats awesome you found a connection with him and fun to see how it comes along​:+1:
True he would have been the minority and misunderstood at the time and yep youre right they were rigid with rules too, i rem at one point they locked off outsiders, on the flipside, they managed to keep lots of their rich culture intact.

Nice look forward to your versions of these Korran officers and Hideyoshi.
Random memory: if i remember Hideyoshi was responsible for Mitsuhide defeat, but i forget.

@simplykit Check out this hunky demon! He looks like a big boss type :muscle:
Most welcome bud :smiley::+1: made them using Blender and Daz. Daz has a great set of 3d resources so saved me time rigging and building the base human from scratch and with blender you can modify to your liking to match your og ideas :+1:
@KennethLopezJr921 adult Scamp looking super :fire: love how the ears almost feel like part of his hairstyle like bangs the way they fall over his face and he got great fashion sense :muscle: not to mention the playboy facial expressions he has goin on :sunglasses::+1:
Its been a while since i drew anything 2d so inspiring seeing all your linework wips. Nice you got the heights down too, meanwhile i'm terrible deciding heights bec i end up adding inches to make the big guys bigger 🤣
- started drawing again after so long for a chibbipile (posted at end)

@pjthetoonaddict Cly was rockin the hijab back then too - Amrit bein the murdered evidence and Cly startled 🤣 love it! And the adorable one in the library :heart::tada:

@abigaillmartin. Lashes indeed!

And love this photo of our boi Harry :heart::camera_with_flash:
He know how to work tge camera and as you mention him sitting like that , this song come to mind if its the hand you meant 🤣:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: either that or i'm the terrible one 🤣
Also speakin of that era I hyped for the Nosferatu remake coming out christmas :christmas_tree:

when you showed me all the oldies Harry acted in i remembered seeing the OG nosferatu in History of film class. I forgot my history but remembered it was like the 2nd horror made.
In class they showed us Dr. Caligari also (think that was the 1st) but that one didnt stick on me like Nosferatu. Got so accustomed to the mordern sexy versions of dracula but Orlok's Uncle Fester-ness was striking and scray and super unusual :+1:

Love that the trailer kept Orlock a mystery too

n speakin of hotties Nic Hoult looking mighty hot, also heard Bill Skarsgård suppoed to b playin Orloc


Also joined a Winter Chibbi Pile hosted by @IzzyBloom91 's discord channel so just started drawing Quim from Sickboy:

Also someone on Tumblr drew me this.

Their name is chromo-strand23 and they are a Clone High artist

Here's my latest drawing for the "pretty boy" category. :coffee_love: Pavocinis is from my action fantasy novel "Of Lowlifes, Lutes, & Liars." He's a skilled musician with a silver tongue who wants nothing more than to charm absolutely everyone. :heart_02: This image takes place right after the major time-skip in the novel, hence the "time skip special" text. By now in the novel, Pavo is old enough to hold his own in the arena, and is ready for his next big adventure.

@skidiggy Charm the cast! I love it! And i'm a sucker for musical based themes so I'm charmed!:tada::art: i think anything i try to write ends up having music and musicians as a main plot device :heart: :guitar::notes::violin:🪈
He looks mischievious and handsome indeed ! Love the fiery eyes and blue white n gold combo :sunglasses:
Hope to see more art of him and charming em all too!

@abigaillmartin that sketch looks awesome, and totally seein the Harry- ness in it :+1: all the twinkling around him is awesome too​:sparkles:

@pjthetoonaddict Cly lost his pantz and two of em up to somethin naughtie​:fire:... either that or he was just lifting him up bec he was tired :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Glofernwolfe nice to see you again friend and best boi Kiki lookin mighty stylish n handsome :sunglasses: awesome job coloring and the bits of motion too with the droplets falling off below! Look forward to more of him on here :+1: :art:

Heres the update of Quim chibbi for the winter chibbi pile- got his body done havent started shading him yet

n his 3d ver i posted in past -from actual comic

Honestly with them either option is plausible. Amrit is always trying to win the guy over. :grin:

Same here; whether it's electric guitars or pan flutes, musicians of any description are essential. :heart_02:

They made him so cute and small in this one. :heart:️🥺

I have to share this Christmas card from 1925.
Harry was Jewish but he celebrated Christmas with his wife.
Yaaaaaay! Double holidays!!

@abigaillmartin This is like a 1920's Chibbi Harry! Love it, almost feels like a little comic too of him putting together a Christmas card :heart:
Didn't know he was Jew & true double holidayz! Happy Hanukkah and Christmas season for Harry!

@IzzyBloom91 Xephy boi lookin being a Sexy Santa, love the playful element of the candy cane :wink: Hope he knows what he doin bec Cleo might be right around the corner ready to play Mrs. Claus :joy:

@skidiggy exactly musicians are essential :musical_note:
here's a wip of two for another series that kind of currently on backburner

Vaheed Jamsidhi (in black) was a Mughal Era court musician/ wizard and opportunist, driven to manipulate all lifeforms by mastering all frequencies he could get his hands on!

San-J (in white) MC'S mentor, a life-long rival of Vaheed, both trained at same institution, Vaheed managed to kill the others at the institution to keep the knowledge for himself.

And this was an old one from my Deviant Art of how San-j used to look, swapped his flute for a Pungi as he became an actual snake charmer lol Haven't figured yet how to make his 'magical snake' carry a similar effect in 3d yet. Basically he would conjure basic 'ornate' cubes and spheres via music that become snakes and other forms.

Evan (striped shirt) and his band from current series too, rocking out to some Shoegaze :guitar:
Basically side effects from hearing the broadcast of a creepy HUM sets the story in motion

Yep Harry was Jewish. His dad was a Rabbi. He was an 1800s chad.

Before he married Harry’s mom, he was married to another lady who died. Harry not only had siblings he also had half siblings as well.

Chad Rabbi Samuel Weisz lol

:notes:You are my dad​:notes:

You’re my dad! Boogy woogie woogie woogie

But then his dad got sick died. Harry was a teenager.

UPDATE: Just finished up all the thumbnail sketches for a… Houdini fiction comic I’ve been working on.

Ya’ll got mad at me for calling it a fanfiction. :angry:

Anyway. It’s big news and I think it’s going to be very fun!

Abby is losing it today.

Mwaaaaaaaa! :sob::heart:

I love this era of his hair. The little bit of grey at the sides of his hair and I don’t know why. Sign he matured? Personal preference? I dunno! Something about it.

That guy next to him is Harry Kellar. A magician friend of his! He was a bit of a mentor to Houdini sometimes.

Here's a sketch of a new male lead: (bottom left lol)

I've gotta practice drawing dimples more, and really nail down his hairstyle. this was my first attempt at drawing him

Season Greetings my friends! Omg sorry i got slow, awesome art guys will return soon to respond properly :pray:
@abigaillmartin love all the Harrys an self inserts too :art: n yess love them blue piercing eyez :heart:️ wait.. Harry had blue eyes all along, n i didnt even realize ?- how did i miss this 🤣

It’s the holidays so you’re good. Everyone is seeing their loved ones and it’s very busy.

Yes he had blue eyes with a bit of brown around the iris so they appear brown in some lighting.

But yes they were blue.

I think our boy's feeling a little...friendly, as Chandler says.

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Well @stiatent I got this book for Christmas and I am eating it up! Boy oh boy!! :heart::heart::heart::laughing:

And this is the cool part!

Better not let my baby cousins near this one! This is NOT baby proof! :joy::joy::joy:

I got some Ken stuff!!!

Also these arent actual characters but I have had people simp for these three (particularly the middle one)

Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing you all a fun and memorable month with your loved ones :christmas_tree::tada::santa:

Havent got a christmas/holidays themed hunk done in time but BUMP! For anyone eho has one :muscle:

@abigaillmartin awesome christmas gift totally dont blame you for eating it and true those cute baby cousins might literally eat the book :heart:️🤣
Admiring all the drawings from here looks like they captured various parts of his life and love that they kept the playful smirk
whats the story behind this one?

This one funny 🤣

This ones my fave but love them all tbh

Ken looking stylish and gq as usual, is that a necktie in 1st one? Love this semi-formal look on the 1st and paired with the shorts too :sunglasses:
True can totes see ppl simping for the Lunites and this Hunk in middle as you rightfully say, the glowing moon on his head is a cool touch too guessing as you called them Lunites right? (looks like a forelock too) :muscle: Ken might have found some competition :joy:

@midnightsun Kai is quite a good looking guy indeed and stylish too the cuts on the fade hairstyle and fur on jacket is a real nice touch :+1::art: Hope to see more on here keep it up


@Leyelle new male lead is gorgeous, love the way you did his hair and yep dimples is hot :tada:
What's his name? Keep it up and look forward to more of him on here :art:

And yep this boy lookin friendly indeed, right in time for season sneakin one under mistle toe :wink::grinning::+1::christmas_tree:

Finished the Happy Holidays art of Quim for @IzzyBloom91 's Winter Chibbi Pile

And recycling him for Sick Boy Comic Series promo- with his actual weapon: Indomitable Kite! (protects him like a shield against other's physical and magic, a spin on Kite Shield)
Just to finish the kite, some shadows from it and hoping to experiment with some effects like an aura maybe around shield. Had left the kite regular in the 3d promos but had been debating maybe it gives an aura when shielding against attacks.

enjoy the holidays everyone :santa:

In this book Harry as a kid was practicing the highwire after he saw a highwire artist do it at the circus.

Right so I found some new images (to me anyway) on Pinterest

I think they’re going to yeet him into the water what do you think?

This is in The Master Mystery I think.

I’m zooming in on his arm.

Yeah. That’s his wifey Bessie. Bess was his assistant but was also a performer in her own right. She could sing and dance very well.

Harry. Stop with the smolder. Please. My knees are weak.

Imagine if they were actually new photos though! That'd mean he was still out there (or at least a very good look-a-like)

And who knows. Maybe there will be new photos to surface or even film. Historical lost media you could say!

Perhaps even the lost footage from The Master Mystery or the lost radio broadcast he did in 1926 a few months before his death!

That would be amazing! Perhaps even the lost appearance of his brother Theo on the very early days of television in 1945! Also a few months before he died!

I will never stay silent about this man!

On the left- The main protagonist Gaius (After he’s had a chance to clean himself up.) Is he a twink under there? A twunk? Who knows! But the straitjacket stays on during.

On the right- James. Will be introduced shortly, but he’s a small-time incubus aristocrat. He’s a worthless d-bag who’s only good for his looks.

Bonus pic of James getting up in the evening. There are plenty of shirtless men here, so hopefully this is okay.