134 / 307
Aug 2020

I remember seeing this cover on DA. I'm a huge history fan, especially around the world wars. I can not wait to start reading more.

My weekly Sunday strip has got a new edition. Check it out and laugh! :slight_smile:

I liked the idea. "A rejected boy wanting to take revenge and discovering powers he can use to"
I just think you did things too quickly. i wanted to see more of his routine and the others types of bullying he suffered before.
Still, this haves potential.

hi! i have a BL comic i'm super proud of, though it's just kind of starting.
i'm new to comics but i'm quick at learning so i thought to give it a go ^^
i'm trying to put a lot of effort/thinking into this one


Just subbed to your comic! I love the use of white outlines for characters emerging from the darkness, it's really spooky/ethereal! Hope you all enjoy my comic!

Great concept for your work - I like the question it poses and the colours you've used for that eerie feel. I've subscribed to you on both Webtoon and Tapas!

Congrats on your milestone! Keep up the great work!

My Current Project:

Also on Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/sam-in-new-york/list?title_no=501948

Genres: Historical, Slice of Life, Drama, Romance (much later on, though)

Summary: On April 6, 1901, in the maternity ward of a hospital on the Lower East Side of New York City, Samuel Abramov - the one and only child of Lev and Raisa Abramov - is born.

"Sam in New York" follows Sam's life from his elementary school years to his late twenties, as he deals with his overbearing, demanding parents' desire for him to be a lawyer, his burgeoning love for the theatre, and embarks on his unceasing quest for fame, love and acceptance.

My Webtoon short story contest entry:

On Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/finding-sam-h/list?title_no=435678

Genres: Slice of Life, Drama, Psychological, Romance

Summary: Sam Abramov's childhood dream was to become an actor. Now a 25 year old law school graduate barely making ends meet as a legal assistant, Sam has long laid to rest his dream of making it big as an actor. He is no longer sure of his future and feels increasingly anxious about his career. However, his life will soon radically change in more ways than one...!

Hello, I am new to this site and I have recently uploaded my first ever comic. It was a hurtle for me but now that I've overcome that first jump I am confident it'll only get easier from here on out. I would love feedback on my comic as its the first created sense I was a kid. Now that I'm a adult I have a education in digital media and a passion for cartoons so this is a culmination of that work. Warning 18+ https://tapas.io/series/MarshTheEroticWatchdog

Hi everyone!
Here is my webcomic:

I'm new on all of this, I started just 2 weeks ago, and I have noticed that it's hard to get noticed, so please give it a try. If you like shonen, seinen or historical comics, you probably like it ;D

Just checked.
I liked your art style. and the history looks pretty intriguing.
i also have liked and rated on webtoons too. ^^

Your Art style gets better after each chapter!
Also, the characters are funny! people who like romantic comedy shall love it!

Here are my comics, they both should be good for a lough



This ero-comedy reminds me of those 50's-70's toons. Way to go bro!
There's a lot of people who aren't really into that.
That said: DAMN! I missed this kind of toons!
I only'd like to you to take it easy with the narration(too many words)
Still, i liked. XD

Here it is :slight_smile: Updates this Monday and Biweekly