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Feb 15

Whether it’s treating yourself or having fun with friends and family, if you want to share (that is only what you are comfortable sharing) the topic’s here!

I’ll go first: I ate chocolate. :chocolate_bar: :joy: like a LOT of chocolate. Way too much as a matter of fact won’t be eating much chocolate for the next like three months. 🤣🤣🤣 Also made a Valentine’s Day TFF sketch.

Nothing much lol. I've been single for the last 19 years of my 19 year life and it'll probably stay that way for quite some time. I did draw this trippy design tho

it's love themed, though not inherently romantic

More of this

And this...

And later this...

I always forget thats even a holiday untill i go into a store and see hearts everyWhere, than i’m like “oh yeah, valentines day exists’ than i leave the store and promptly forget all over again.
Either way i had kfc and did pose reference practice but put them in a spiderman suit to keep my interest.

lol, I hear you @Leyelle Hang in there! I’m sure “the one” will be presented to you soon enough. I wish you all the best in that respect of course. :v:

@Breeze.Hill OMG I didn’t know anyone else did that. During my practice sketching for the farmyard funnies or any other of my comic ideas, I always end up putting someone in a Spider-Man or Woman costume. I guess it’s because the Spiderverse characters always find themselves in like every single kind of pose you can think of due to the nature of their powers.

It's dangerous and uncomfortable, but pays well with very short training duration considered... say goodbye to beautiful hair though :laughing:

I played a show with my rockabilly band 2,5 hours from my place and in the town
where my mum grew up. I went to the hotel early and read a comic. I bought
the comic on ebay 2 days before and the seller didn´t mention that it was in
french and I don´t speak french. So I read it in french and tried to imagine
what they say

My husband ditched me to Door Dash (they were paying bank around here for the holiday). :joy: I didn't mind. I did my editing for the day, read a bunch of comics, and studied writing and editing... Does it make you a boring person to enjoy editing more than going out? :sweat_smile:

Google translate! I do that with my Korean novels all the time. :joy: The grammar is horrible, but you're not totally wondering what the heck they are saying. :joy:

Seeing as how I'm just as single as a pringle, I kinda just did my normal day-to-day. Though treating myself this weekend to some much needed leisure time.

Also made some valentine's themes illustrations.

One wholesome piece:

And one a bit more naughty haha

Is it wrong that I kinda like the last one more than the first two? :joy::joy::joy: @KevinReijnders they’re definitely a cute couple.

I pretty much tired myself making a bajillion heart cakes at work :dizzy_face:
I think heart shaped cakes are a new social media trend, so it's definitely not the end of it.

Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:
I have the scanned version of the english original on my computer and
I bought the comic because I wanted to own it as a printed version.
You don´t get the comic in english for under 130€, probably 150$
I´ll maybe print out the speech bubbles from the scanned version


Haha, no that's definitely not wrong :laughing:

Tbh I kinda like that one a bit more as well. It has a more dynamic camera angle, I personally think it's funny and it matches their personalities a bit better than the other set.

At least that's why I like it better, maybe you just like things a tad more spicy hahaha 🤣

do you mean cakes like this? @ButterflyEmpress

Tbh this looks so yummy, I might end up binging on them like I did the chocolates (again, I am NOT eating much chocolate for the next three months so you could imagine what’s gonna go down with myself and these cakes 🤣).

Actually, it’s both. :laughing: I always am up for a little spice and I am finding preference in the camera angle. Also, I mean, respect man🫡 I find it SUPER hard to draw people at a unique angle. Of course, practice builds skill, so I’m sketching with 3d models when I can to try to get better at dynamic angling (which is when I usually employ spider-man/woman costumes in my drawings as I’ve said to Kittykir1129). Do you have any tips on how to get better at dynamic poses? @KevinReijnders