14 / 85
Jun 2024

4: Your characters are packing for a trip? How are they fairing?

Kattar knows exactly what he needs to bring and is ready promptly, and his bags are well organized. Then he has to help Alicia. Alicia has very little idea what she needs to bring and is just planning a number of outfits equivalent to the days they'll be spending on a trip.

Kattar insists she needs to pack WAY more clothes than she believes anybody needs for a 10 day vacation, including at least two fancy dresses, changes of clothes for shifts in the weather (rain jackets, fleeces etc.) (though changes in the weather don't bug her that much unless they're extreme.) And accessories to match. And yes, there are some things he very firmly suggests she not bring. Namely anything camo or tie-dye.

They have to sort through and find what clothes she can even still fit, since she rarely discards or donates clothes even if she hasn't worn them in ages, and she's gotten...squishier, since last spring. Also he's going to want her to bring a dress that she doesn't want to bring because it will show her scars, but he'll still convince her to bring it anyway, because she really does look gorgeous in it.

Kattar leaves Alicia ONE section of the packing to pack on her own (personal items and nightwear) and she only brings one pair of pajamas to wear for a whole ten days like a psycho.

Andrew and Jinho both pack the exact amount of clothes they need for the days they'll be gone on their trip, and everything goes right as rain.

Essence packs clothes according to the number of days she'll be gone + one nice dress. She plans jewelry for each of the outfits and carefully plans according to the fanciness rating of each place she'll be visiting, and probably googles some style rules for black tie events and/or styling any of the pieces she packs if there is anything she's not 100% sure about.

Dominic probably intends to rewear a few pieces for at least two days while he's gone on any trip, because he wasn't working, and they "didn't get that dirty." He does however pack workout clothes equivalent to about 80% of the days he'll be spending on his trip. He does NOT intend to rewear workout clothes.

5: your characters are about to go on a first date, what are they doing?

Kattar starts planning his outfit early early in the day before his date. He spends ages stressing to make sure his hair looks perfect, and he's probably still frustrated that SOMETHING (something no other human being would notice) looks off. He's probably also lamenting that he's lost so much color in his complexion even though he knows that would be fixed by him just going outside. Actually getting dressed is a frustrating and exhausting procedure for him because he has to lay down to be able to put his pants on very effectively (that's the way he considers easiest rn) because he's paralyzed below the knees.

Alicia is trying to look nice but probably stressing that she can't do her makeup right because she's honestly not very good at it. She probably restyles her hair at least three times and ends up just giving up on her makeup and washing it off, which is fine because that's what her sweetheart prefers, though he does find it cute to know she put in the effort to try to dress up for him.

Essence is ready about 20-30 minutes before her date arrives and is probably getting extra editing work done on one of the authors she works with manuscripts while she waits for him to show up. She looks neat and pretty but basically done up the same way as she does her makeup and hair for work. The only real difference is her dress, which will be something a little prettier and more becoming than what she wears to work. It's also probably definitely purple or dark blue. Literally no other color. The shoes and jewelry are probably exactly the same as what she wears to work.

Dominic is being razzed by his little sister who is probably definitely singing "Dominic and Essence sittin' in a tree..."

He looks nice, but honestly he's too muscular for button ups without jackets to look quite right on him (ahhh, poor thing, he's too hunky) fortunately he knows they fit weird and knows to wear them layered with a jacket

Packing for a trip

Natsumi - "Hey, Let's not do this one!"

Keanu - "Because people will learn that you didn't pack properly before you left home at the beginning of the story?"

Natsumi - "I packed! Like, a few sets of underwear and some emergency rations."

Lok - "I dispute calling gummy worms rations."

Rose - "So that's why your outfit hasn't changed since the first chapter."

Lok - "My packing routine..."

Keanu - "Let me guess. You plan for every situation and bring equipment to meet any scenario?"

Lok - "I appear to have become predictable."

Keanu - "We need to get you a second gimmick, dude."

she's legit going to die

Higen will be all over the big extreme attraction, he will be the guy yelling "Again, again!" after the rollercoaster, the dexterity games would be a big go-to for him I can see the carnival staff wondering how can he win at the rigged games? with shear brute force and wanting to make Ozwald smile with a giant Pikachu knock-off doll; Ozwald would be more into things like a maze or the spinning cups he would agree to ride the rollercoaster with Higen then quit after the 5th time, one thing he would like to ride is the merry-go-round

any reasonable person would quit at this point. honestly he has more patience than I would have had

Natsumi - "Not with these main character shields I won't!
Well, at least until after the story ends. Then my next opponent will be type 2 diabetes."

6: Your characters were born in the Georgian Era instead of whatever time period they were really from. What are they doing?

Well, assuming she was in Europe, rather than in Mexico or displaced in the U.S.A. which is where she would actually be, Alicia would be poor as the daughter of a carpenter, but comfortable enough because her father is very skilled and hardworking. She probably wouldn't be able to do much painting unless she earned her own extra money by taking in work like sewing or selling eggs, but she would probably be industrious enough to manage this, because she'd still be just as artistic as she is in modern day. But she wouldn't be doing too well after her father and mother died, and she'd have to figure out how to survive on her own, which she probably does by painting portraits for aristocrats, which would probably be how she met Kattar and Mrs. Moon.

Mrs. Moon would still be a business woman, and possibly still a single mom, just even more controversial than she is now. She'd probably run some sort of high end theater where operas, ballets and such are put on, and most likely have ties or shares in dress shops and makeup production.

Kattar would still be a rich boy, but he probably wouldn't work at all, and would just enjoy riding horses most likely, until he was paralyzed, at which point he'd probably just be bored and irritable and do nothing at all.

He probably meets Alicia because she comes to paint his portrait, falls in love with her, and finds excuses to hire her to paint more pieces or a very time consuming mural. He definitely wants to marry her, he definitely would be expected not to in high society, his mother definitely wouldn't care because the fact that she's a business woman already makes her considered less than respectable, so she'd probably let Kattar marry Alicia if he wanted to. She'd probably want to hire and work with Alicia to paint sets for her theater anyway.

Andrew and Jinho would still be a carpenter and his accountant. Jinho would find gaps in the system to help them succeed and become more prosperous even though most of high society would probably be pretty against them.

Essence...let's be nice and say she'd be a very low ranking maid.

Dominic's family would run a shop, and he might occasionally see Essence if she was ever sent to run errands, at which point he'd fall in love with her but would most definitely be forbidden by literally everyone to marry her for a thousand different reasons.

That's not to say that he wouldn't anyway, but they'd probably have to run away.

7: Your characters are going to the beach, what are they planning/packing? What do they do on the beach?

Kattar is packing sunglasses, snacks, sunscreen. No swimsuit, because he doesn't intend to get in the water because he doesn't want to get his hair wet (cough cough drama king.) He's probably just going to wear something light and made of cotton or linen so he doesn't overheat a lot.

Alicia is like "what is sunscreen? Ohhhh you mean melanin." she is for sure not using sunscreen. Brings frozen fruit juice to drink because it'll melt very quickly on the heat of the beach and cover up or sundress to wear over her swimsuit and after the beach when she and Kat go somewhere to eat.

Picking a swimsuit is probably tricky for her, because she's pretty self-conscious about the scars on the back of her legs and her back. Kattar would probably convince her to relax and tell her that nobody cares about the scars but her, so she doesn't need to feel awkward about them. Also she packs an irrational amount of hair ties because she has a LOT of hair to tie up, and if her hair ties snap it'll just be a mess. She's also totally the person to insist she's super thirsty and end up buying a very over priced drink from one of the restaurants on the beach, but Kattar refuses to buy full meals at them because they're overpriced and there are better restaurants elsewhere.

Yes it will take Alicia ages to get the sand out of her hair after this trip.

8: How do your characters fare at a farm?

Kattar hates everything about it. He hates the smell, he hates how dirty the animals are. He hates how dirty dirt is. Okay, that's not quite fair, if there are any trees or flowers around he likes those. He doesn't want to pet any of the animals, and he's slightly nervous of getting close to them because it's hard to maneuver in his wheelchair if he's surrounded and that's something he gets a bit of anxiety about. Alicia might convince him to pet something though, and he would, but not particularly enjoy it. He would probably get a bit of reward out of it though because Alicia would be being super sweet to him the whole time, wanting to bring him everything she found interesting and help him be able to touch the different plants and such, albeit with dirty animal, plant, gardening hands, and he'd enjoy watching her interact with the animals, pick flowers, and just enjoy herself generally.

She'd love basically the whole time. She'd enjoy the gardens, working in the dirt and helping with gardening, learning about the different plants and trying the farm fresh produce and products, feeding, petting, and grooming different animals. She'd surprisingly not even be that intimidated by the animals that are way way way bigger than her like horses and cows. She just has a really amazing time and enjoys herself, which despite Kattar's obvious dislike for the farm, still pays him off in the end, because she's so elated at the end of the day and happy that he went with her that she'd definitely be in cuddly a affectionate mood.

Kind of not actually random because I have an entire picnic scene in my story lol. Although it does take place underground in a cavern and they are also eating with a rather handsome mouse named Benji, so... that should probably qualify it as random enough

Within a few minutes, they arrived in a small cavern that was only lit by the glowing crystals on the ceiling. Gently gripping Alice’s hand with his free hand, Theodore spoke, “Be careful, there are a few stalagmites and you can’t see them sell. Try to stick behind me.”
Following him closely, Alice immediately felt lost as he’d detached his hand from hers. “Where did you go?”
Before she could even finish her question, a blinding light immediately illuminated their small section of the cavern. By the flickering light of the lantern, she was finally able to see the stalagmites he’d warned her about earlier. Seeing no clear path, she realized that he must have memorized the route well if he’d been able to make it to this clearing that quickly in the dark.
As she was busy taking in the scenery, she hadn’t even noticed that Theodore had already pulled out a blanket and was setting up a delicious spread of food for them. Immediately she knelt down to help him and noticed he’d brought a third, smaller plate setting it aside for Benji.

In my next chapter that releases Saturday, they actually end up returning for another picnic in the same place

stop everything, and please explain lol

Well the FL does have an ability to speak with animals, but the ML actually rescued him from the cooks who were trying to exterminate him from their kitchen. They essentially adopt him and the FL makes him a few outfits which he loves as the distinguished mouse fellow he is. Although the ML can't actually communicate with him, he loves to spoil Benji with plenty of treats all of time


Benji actually serves as the ringbearer for their wedding in Chapter 26, wearing a mini tuxedo made by the FL.

How do your characters react to knowing their crush REALLY wants something?

For Kattar it depends on what she wants. If it's a gift, he for sure buys it for her. They're besties, so he doesn't have to feel awkward about buying her gifts, even if they're expensive, because she's come to understand that he's never known being poor, so money is really no object to him. If what she wants is something non-material is when the trouble comes in. If she wants to know something about him he prefers to keep to himself, he's definitely not telling. There is literally no one on planet earth he's confided his biggest fears, worries, or most personal thoughts to. It's not how he functions. He prefers to protect his feelings by not letting anyone close to them. If she wants affection she's more likely to get that, albeit, and little (allegedly) begrudgingly. He's not used to it, and as much as he loves being close to her, it still makes him feel a little awkward any time she tries to cuddle or hug him, which she totally did when they were just friends, just because she's a very cuddly and affectionate person. Her whole family was.

For Alicia, it again depends on what he wants, but the long short of it is that she will usually do whatever is in her power to get it for him or give it to him unless she's angry with him at the time, at which point she'll be playing 'keep away.' She's richer than she often remembers, so buying expensive gifts is something she'd be like 'oh right, I forgot I can do that.' and then she'd just give it to him. That said, when she really loves someone, she's not great at setting boundaries, so it's a good thing her sweetheart is so respectful of her.

yeah, he's always dressed in really nice outfits. I'd consider him more of a distinguished gentleman really :joy:

there's a difference between dressing nicely and being handsome tho XD. clothes do not make the...rodent, at least imao lol

tbh, I tend to call most pets cute, but since he wouldn't like that and prefers being called handsome, handsome he is

patronization is the way lol.

"she says I'm cute, but i'm handsome..."

Our new characters could totally fit this too :joy: