63 / 85
Jul 2024

Your characters on a hike?

First of all, no hiking for Kattar. Not only is he not interested in taking his wheelchair through the woods and potentially getting irredeemably stuck somewhere, he doesn't like all the bugs and animal everything that's in the woods.

Alicia loves the woods. she'd prefer to go hiking alone and probably bring nothing but water, a few granola bars, and some art supplies.

Andrew loves hiking, Jinho does not. Jinho packs sunscreen. Wears a baseball cap, probably brings a little battery-powered hand fan and lots of water as well as hand sanitizer. Andrew packs for a hike basically like they're going camping complete with a first aid kit, flashlight, and even a tent, just in case they get lost and have to spend a night in the wilderness. (which unfortunately for Andrew has never happened.) He and Jinho always find they're way back to civilization in time for Jinho to take a hot shower and relax in the beauty of urban convenience.

so, inspired by @JokesterComics thread, today's topic is:

17: Your characters on a plane?

Is it their first ride? do they like flying?

Kattar has taken lots of flights. They don't bother him, but he doesn't like them very much, finding them boring. Mrs. Moon would find them boring too, but she just works on her flights. Of course she flying first class or business class. She has literally never flown coach.

Alicia doesn't mind flight too much but she does have a tendency to feel a little odd when she's flying, because of altitude shifts. not enough to need to use the airsick bad, but enough for flights to be generally unpleasant. Also she always has to use the bathroom way more than anyone ever should whenever she's on any sort of long trip.

Andrew would like flying, but he's never done it. He'd like seeing the world from up so high, seeing the sunrise through the plane windows etc.

Jinho hates flying. Every part of it. He's afraid of missing flights and always super tense. Afraid of losing baggage trying to make sure everything is arranged properly so he doesn't leave anything in another country where he'll never get it back. Flying makes him queasy, though he carries medicine for it. He doesn't like trying to work on planes because the lighting is weird to him and makes his eyes tired. He doesn't like sitting so close to strangers. He doesn't like trying to sleep on the plane because he always wakes up with his neck hurting, and he thinks the food is way too overpriced.

8 days later

18: How do your characters react to losing their friend/friends at a mall?

Alicia would forget she could totally just text Kattar at first and check the last few places she saw him, where she thinks he might be, and then remember her phone, or he would text her. In her defense, she didn't have a functional phone in her teens, so she was just used to having to find the people she was looking for, and she's not entirely grown out of it lol.

Kattar would text them, and be arguing the whole time like 'no, do not move. i will come find you. do not try to find me or we will never find each other."

Andrew would probably go back to the car and wait for Jinho there, since they only have one car so it's not like Jinho could have left without him.

Jinho would irritably go to his favorite coffee shop/bakery and just wait for Andrew there. Andrew will probably find him eventually, but he's not going looking for him if he doesn't have to. If Andrew doesn't find him eventually, he'll probably go to the car and watch videos while laying on the back seat until Andrew shows up.

Essence doesn't have friends, but if she lost Ayla she would be in level 10 panic mode. She'd immediately go to mall security and ask them to help her find Ayla. She would probably refer to her as 'my kid' even though Ayla is technically not Essence's child. Ayla would be in some store looking at backpacks or journals with her favorite characters from "My Mirror Prince" on them.

If she lost Dominic at a mall she'd probably just wait on a bench and text him her location.

Dominic would worry if he lost Cocoa at the mall, but he'd have to remind himself that she's an adult and will probably not be kidnapped. He wouldn't text her, because her phone is usually dead because she forgets to find it. He'd just wait a few minutes just in case she had to use the restroom, and if she doesn't return he'll check where he knows she's most likely to be. Fortunately she rarely wanders off. If he lost Honey he'd go to wherever the nearest sale clothing/makeup sale was taking place, and find her 100% of the time.

This has gotta be my favorite one yet. :rofl:
For Apparent Secrets, here's how the roommates would deal with losing their friends at the mall:

  • Iris: She'd likely call one or more of their cell phones to try and reach her lost roommates at the mall.

  • Zayzann: Voted "most likely to request a message on the PA for help." [crackly PA noises]
    "Attention shoppers, we have Zayne here in front of Crackler's Fish & Chips looking for his caregiver, Iris. Please find your boy there."

  • Byxx: Byxx is likely to walk aimlessly around the mall, calling out for her missing friends' names.

  • Khazmine: She's likely to employ her tracking skills to find her missing companions. She'd look weird doing it, but she's a relentless hunter.

XD. thanks. The fear is real!

But Zayzann, way to take it over the top. Also Khazmine yikes

Very on-brand for the four of them. Poor Iris is the only one who'd think to try calling. :rofl:

sometimes that doesn't work lol. Dominic's sisters forget to charge their phones constantly

I bet that's frustrating when they're in a jam. Iris is the "group mom" and has power cords for everyone's phones in her purse. :smile_01:

19: What is something ONLY your characters crush could convince them to do. What is something they could convince them to do no matter how much they didn't want to do it?

Kattar hates getting in the water at pools and beaches and getting his hair wet. Alicia is the only person who could convince him to get in the water, and it would have to be because he was getting in the water with her.

Alicia doesn't like Indian food very much but Kattar constantly convinces her to go with him to Indian restaurants, though I'm not sure he's the ONLY one who could convince her to do it. He's probably the only one who could convince her to wear a dress/article of clothing of any kind that she felt subconscious about.

As for things they don't want to do but could definitely be convinced to do. Quite a lot of outfits Kattar has convinced Alicia to wear are not super comfortable whether because of the material they're made of or because of the way they fit. She's not a slim sweetie, and some clothes just don't feel comfortable. He doesn't make her do anything she doesn't want to do, but she'll often agree to it to make him happy.

Alicia has not used her powers very much recently, but Kattar is not super comfortable with physical affection, though he doesn't dislike it, still she convinced him to hug and cuddle with her all the time throughout their teens just because she is a cuddly puppy. and it definitely did him good

I guess that makes Dominic "group mom." He carries a ridiculous amount of stuff in his bag because his sisters forget things. Teenage him would be shocked to see the "non-masculine" things he's gotten used to carrying without shame. Sometimes you just gotta get over it, especially when you go on trips with women who have the foresight and memory of goldfish

20: how would your OCs react to seeing couple art of them and their crush?

Kattar would melt and/or die of embarrassment and want to know who drew it and why. He'd probably have a hard time showing his face for a minute.

Alicia would probably think it was so cute and touching and want to take a screenshot of it and use it as her phone screen saver and laptop screen saver, then she'd try to recreate it as a real photo with Kat, who would consent after a little pleading.

The only thing that Caramella Red can make Azure do even if he does not want to is cook complicated food. He only likes cooking simple food like stir-fried, fried, and boiled food. Complicated food like stews and curries, he thinks they're wasting too much time to prepare.



Twelve years ago, Azure Skylar, the Knight of the Cross of the unparalleled syndicate, the Chapel, was favored by the Pope himself to work on a mission that would determine the fate of their entire group against their growing rival, the Empire.

Twelve years ago, Azure met Caramella Red Aberdeign and found a friend in her. For once, he knew rest, quiet, peace, and comfort. Little did he know that Caramella Red was also the infamous Sweet Crimson, the ace assassin of their growing rival, the Empire.

A mistake, a wrong decision, a missed opportunity, all wrapped in the same regret that led to the ink on paper weeping about all that should have been said and done before time came and went. A story inspired by Taylor Swift's Evermore, Letter Addressed to the Fire will take you to a trip down the star-crossed soulmates' memory lane and tell you about all that was only whispered in the wind twelve years ago.

Essence would probably only be at the zoo because she was taking Ayla, then she would be worrying about losing Ayla in the crowds, Ayla dehydrating and mentally planning where she'd take her to eat afterward since cooking would take too long with a five year old who is already hungry.

Ayla would be enjoying everything and have a little camera of her own she's using to take pictures. She'd tell Essence every single animal fact she knows at least twice and get Essence to pick her up a dozen times so she can see better. she'd also want an animal stuffie and ballcap and tee shirt from the giftshop before they leave and Essence would buy her all three.

Dominic would enjoy the zoo okay. He'd probably not be particularly interested, but he'd go with his sisters without complaining, and if he went with Essence he'd be happy just to spend time with her there. He'd probably point out what animals reminded him of each person he was with. He thinks Cocoa looks like squirrel.

15 days later

If Texas and Chili were on a picnic together?

Texas would be trying to keep their cat from escaping because it was her idea to bring Pudding along. Chili is trying to set out all the food on the picnic blanket in a way that will still allow them space to sit down and realizing they over-packed. they'll just end up sitting on the grass and leaving all the food and dishes on the blanket like a sort of table.

16 days later

Christopher George is probably picking a spot in the shade because Mora is sensitive to the heat. Then they'll eat a lunch his mom packed and probably end up talking about the plants and animals that live in the area. Christopher George will give her a compliment in such an out-of-the-blue way that she won't recognize he gave her a compliment until a minute after he gave it, and he'll have already said several other things so she won't be able to comment on it lo.

Not gonna lie, I think Ozwald is the one doing the couple art of him and Higen, but, knowing Ozwald he would be flustered if Higen noticed the drawings, Higen would be flattered and probably put the drawing in a board somewhere in his room.

for the gang in The Journey, I think Yun will be calm but he would ask "Who are you?" "what do you know?" to whoever found his crush out, Anre would be like "Just give me the drawing and I won't break and blow up your finger with my hammer!" Parker will just appreciate the drawing as a piece of art but wouldn't have a big reaction, Karolin is the youngest and is also probably the artist of said drawings in her case being in the drawing I believe she would say something like "jokes on you I already have three head cannons about this picture"

for an unreleased project, I'm working on I wanted to enter the novel contest but Mexico wasn't part of the places to participate but still liked the prompt so I worked a little something; so Julien would just be proud that A) someone did art of him B) surprised someone find all of his crushes, Aris on the other hand, he would be denying everything!!! total negation and filing a demand for slander and defamation

The Interview

Mangahunteralive: Laveda, if you were to enter any other story by me, which one would it be?

Laveda: That’s a hard one. Most of your stories have danger in them and I am aiming for a simple life.

Mangahunteralive: You’re joking, right?

Laveda: Huh?

Mangahunteralive: How can you have a simple life when you are written by me?


Mangahunteralive: …Good luck, kid.

Laveda: That pause seriously made me mad.

Alicia would do this too lol

19 days later

Playing Monopoly, Therese is winning, somehow. Nobody understands how she's so good at it, but they can't prove she's cheating, and she tells her son, 'it's just called talent, mon bebe."

Mora is in jail for the third time and more confused than anything like "What are the odds?"

Christopher George keeps landing on every space but the ones he actually wants to buy, Verner has just accepted that he's not going to win and is just enjoying the ride.

Here's something fun. How would your characters react in an anime theme cafe? My character would just have fun and order pokemon themed dishes. :laughing: