8 / 26
Oct 2020

I use Written Sound6 or just plain old Google to search for onomatopoeias.

Italian comics use a lot of English onomatopoeias, so I already know a bunch of them, but from time to time you will also find some "English-sounding" words that are either not English at all or mean something else completely... e.g. "frush", which is often found in Italian comics to mean "rustle", but apparently doesn't have the same meaning in English at all? :'D

So, to avoid misunderstandings, I do a little research before using any sound that is not the usual "boom", "crash" or "splash".

That makes sense, same in german, some words are the same, some are similiar. Boom is Bumm, Pow is Peng.
The written sound list looks pretty cool. I know a lot of those lists, I would like one where the meaning is in alphabetical order. I´ll maybe make one myself and upload it to the internet. Under H you find helicoter, hitting etc.
Because you when you have to look up a word you don´t want to read through the whole list of sound words to maybe find what you are looking for

I use the basic boom quite a bit for the sound of wormholes opening haha. Simple but still sounds cool to me. :smiley:


Does it count? I love this one a lot.

Y'know, this is the topic I have nightmares about. First, because there is like no full dictionary of onomatopopeias in the net, so I need to find some of them specifically which makes my browsing search look like I'm 1-year child who tryna learn words. Second, I'm not native English speaker, and in my native language many of sounds spelled and heard different. Like VERY different. Not to mention we have specific sounds English doesn't have and cyrillic writing, so sometimes it's real hard to find analogy for word I'm using in Russian vers of comic. So yes, I'm mostly use internet and samples from other comics because I'm not linguisticly pro enough to transform sounds to word & how I hear some things can be misleading.

I just use the weirdest sounding onomatopoeias I can make up like 'Oh Figgley Giblets!' or something weird like that.

Since my comic has a lot of magic effects, I try to think of sounds you could make with your mouth to get close to what I want to "hear". Fwoosh, bzwoooom, tchwahh, etc. I use a lot of the standard sounds too (and I end up replacing a lot of 'tap' with 'pat' because it feels like a more natural sound), though I'm dreading when I get to crying because I've yet to find one that truly fits without getting TOO inelegant. I think some good examples were posted last time this thread came up but it wasn't quite right for some future scenes.

Hmmm. Well I don't use them anymore because they crowd my panels too much. But when I did, there were a lot of Silver Age style SFX


I just enunciate some onomatopoeia's and use them. Ex: "ptak" for bare feet walking along smooth pavement, "Bwooom" for reality warping, energy expanding effect and etc,.

Not a word you see tossed around often yet within 24 hours two people have slipped it before my eyes. The other one was during a discussion of Djent Metal.

thank you!

Haha yeah. I like that guy's videos xD he annoys a lot of people but...he's got some pretty great songwriting skills.

Pfffftttt, so he annoys some people. How many people are in the world? Billions. How important are the people he annoys? Pfffft!

To them I say: Moving on, nothing to see, take your annoyance where it matters... oooh, can't find a spot... too bad, get perspective on how important you are(n't)

Obviously not finished with first cup of coffee. :slight_smile:

I love this one too, but I don't think I have used it...Always reminds me of cartoons where a fluffy character gets a bath and then dries off themselves only to turn into a giant pom pom after a "poof" sound xD

That´s the way I try to do it too, take sounds words from existing comics, but yeah it is hard for people who are not native english speakers

A heroine punching a goddess of rebirth in the face ASMR

"S-stop--GBYFFYG!?--h-hitting me you pleb--GABGHFUYB!?--i-in the face, I-i need it for--GABGFYFYFT!?--work!--GBAGFYFBKFJBJKG!?"

Ends live recording

Oh! I almost made a thread like this the other day, as I usually need help with this. :sweat_smile:

I’m looking for a flying emergency stop Sound (winged). :grimacing:

So far I have used sounds like BOOM, THUD and WHOOSH! So quite basic.

Another favourite is KHHHHSSSSSKKKK! Which I hope sounds like electricity/energy... :joy::see_no_evil:

I will make a list, alphabetical order. The goal is too find the right sound word easily.
I have something like this in mind, you look for bird or you look for wings or flying and
there are all options.
There is no list like this at the moment and I think it´s missing