16 / 89
Apr 2021

Also, forgot to add: I don't do sub for sub bc I don't think it's beneficial for either party, in the long run, but I will absolutely follow back on SNS and engage to help with the brutal algorithms created by the ruthless overlords who expect us to create free content so they can get rich. Just drop me a line saying you're a Tapas creator!




I'm posting about updates on pretty much all sm/art related sites I'm on (mostly by autoscheduling post through postybirb, sadly it doesn't support instagram at all and seems to count links length differently than twitter so I use hootsuite for those)
and I post to:
twitter: https://twitter.com/Animefanka3
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trueanimefanka/4
deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/animefanka
pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28704706
tumblr: https://animefanka.tumblr.com/
furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/animefanka/
I'm also keeping a carrd with links to my comics (as I'm posting them not only on tapas ;p) https://animefanka-artist.carrd.co/#webcomics

I just have a deviantART account.

DeviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/sin-nombre1

Lately I am using it to promote my webcomic there,but if you look my works before the comic, you will find things that I probably should have deleted long ago =P

We are @bigfootmillennials on IG, FB, Graphite and Tumblr.


Noobs to all things Tapas and webtoons so any thoughts are welcome!

Bigfoot love to all!