7 / 56
Sep 2022

@KennethLopezJr921 I received the opposite critique in high school! My best friend at the time was looking through my sketches and asked me why I drew most of my female characters flat or small-chested. I don't think it was a conscious decision, it just sort of happened.

Another time I posted a marker drawing of one of my characters on an old instagram account. Admittedly, it was bad. I messed up and drew the eyes too big in a "stare into your soul" kind of way, but at the time I was like "this is still ok, I will post it." Then someone commented "Now I can't sleep." I realized afterwards that it was a negative comment, but at first, I didn't really get it and liked it XD It wasn't meant to be scary.

Hahahaha, "boobs too big" is the weirdest critique you've ever received? Hoo boy, my weird critiques go way weirder than that...

"Why does your story have so many girls in it? I don't think it's bad, I just don't understand why there are so many." (note: There were three female characters in this story... and three male).

"Oh... you want to make Fantasy in a modern setting? Haha, that's cute... but overdone. I think you should make something with like... steam powered zeppelins, that's what I'm into right now." (wow, yeah making things steampunk immediately makes them original, what good advice. :sip:).

"I thought this character called Lyn was a boy. She's very boyish... not that there's anything wrong with that, I guess... but I thought she was a boy, so I think she should be more feminine with bigger boobs and maybe eyelashes...?" (note: The character's gender was in no way relevent to the story of this short comic).

"Your comic is bad."
Me: "Okay, well, nobody's forcing you to read it."
"NO. I will continue to read it, because it's very interesting that it has more readers than mine... even though my comic's art and story are better. I am reading in an attempt to understand why people like your comic..."
(I think this is one of the funniest. Just... WOW.)

Wow, that's a good amount. The only wierd critique I had was when a guy just rambled on about one of my excerpts, going literally nowhere.

"Yeah, its interesting to see paths, and thats also interesting, it really makes me think about, you know, how paths lead to one place, and...."

Went on kinda like that, so....

It happens in the Tapas Discord server twice which is the length of each chapter/episodes and the cover.

The length of each episodes/chapters have 2-3k words but I decide to merge some shorter chapters. At that time, I was asking for a critique on how I handle discussions that is considered as sensitive and serious in my webnovel, not the length of the chapters.

For the cover, someone requested that the rose and thorns should not be there bc "how would VM have a book cover like this?", like have you seen that is inspired by late-Victorian and Edwardian book covers (it was revised in the late-1890s).

Literally got told one of the main characters in my story came off as a rapist and that my story was triggering and offensive. Basically the person went on a tangent about how awful it was. Not gonna lie, that really hit hard.

Mind you, the worst he's ever done is flirted or leaned in close in a teasing manner.

One reader recommended that I should do the story again, but instead of guys that I should use girls? Like, my friend, I know that there should be more GL stories as opposed to the massive influx of BL stories, but the fact that they are guys is actually kind of important for the story to work.

I get variations of that one as well.

Honestly I have gotten SO much hate for the simple fact that BL is a thing in my story that it's just depressing at times. Either people saying they should be straight, or I should make one of them a girl, or I should draw lesbians, etc etc.

There's an uncomfortable amount of hate toward BL to a point I don't share it so much anymore.

don't know about critiques I've received personally but I always laugh at the 'artist: draws breasts ever so slightly off-shape' to 'viewer: hAvE yOu EvEr SeEn A rEaL wOmAn BeFoRe' critiques

Yeah it's so weird and double. I understand people also want lesbian relationships represented but to act that out on BL stories is so odd to me. Not to mention that the BL genre continues to be one of the most popular and pushed ones.

next, they're gonna ask if you've ever been on a date or something. Then try to dig up all the personal stuff about you and mock you for it. Best part is that it doesn't really matter.

I say fuck em. Honestly here and webtoons. Bl does thrive so I say. Let the haters seeve whilst seeing you thrive as an artist and writer.

Dont ever let them get you down. It comes from a place of jealously and at the end of the day small minded crabs in a bucket mentality. In other words I mostly see that vitriol from losers :joy:.

I never really gotten a critique that honestly maybe me upset... I guess other than "draws my characters too androgynously" a long time ago


I'm a woman and bi, and most of my relationships have been with other women. I've only dated a couple of guys ever. I did write a GL once but the only thing it attracted was a bunch of horny guys complaining for action or asking what page the sex scenes were on so they could skip to it (and there weren't any sex scenes). It really didn't attract any other sort of reader. So that was a massive turn off for me. Still, I wanted to write romance and my experience with 'straight' romance is so limited, it was awkward for me to try (and I did try). So finally I went with a BL because I felt BL relationships were a little more similar to what I was used to. It's probably weird sounding, but that was just more comfortable for me.

There are pervs in the BL community as well, but I just feel like it's a bit less toxic. It's definitely gotten better over the years.

But the homophobia is really hard to handle sometimes.

Ironically I had NO idea how popular BL was until I started publishing my own story, lol. I starting looking into the BL fandoms/communities just because it was becoming the only place I felt safe to share it, at first. You know when you're in that early stage where you're nervous to share your work and how people will judge you. I'm a little more jaded now, but there's still a pretty big population of people who will automatically insult, downvote, and otherwise attack your work if they realize it's BL. I've deleted a number of comments like "ew gay" and I barely have any comments to begin with.

C'est la vie, we must continue on.

Yeah, I can honestly relate though for different reasons. I'm an ace woman and the further something is from my own experiences in terms of relationships the easier it is to write. I can more easily detach myself from BL than from hetero or GL romance stories. Now it's become easier to write those as well as I get more experience with the genre but BL was and still is a subgenre that feels safe to explore romance genre tropes in and such.

Very well said. I think that's probably why it attracts a lot of women in general as readers, but I can only guess. Either way, ever since I started exploring the genre I've found some really amazing stories, so I hope it continues to grow.

That’s a def yikes. Being flirtatious doesn’t equate to being a rapist so I don’t know where the person got that idea. Also what someone finds triggering or offensive Varys from person to person so in general, I wouldn’t really listen to that type of criticism

Not sure how "weird" this is as a feedback, but I got a character design critique about a year ago and the stand out line was that the character looked like a "supporting character." Which I thought was funny, especially since the character was the MC, and sort of an off way to critique a design, at least to me. And some of the 'fixes' they offered really solidified to me that context is very important in critiquing a character design.