7 / 28
Sep 2020

Thank you for the thread. You guys can choose from any series to sub to (Btw your comic series is good so far. I subbed):

I subbed you comic is very good:). can you tell me what needs improvement on my comic

Thanks for subbing! If you wanna follow on webtoons too that'd be super cool

I'd say what would help is having your background colors and character colors different enough to not blend together. In some areas the grays of the background are the same as a character's outfit, and I find they begin to blend together and make it hard to see the shapes well. Keep up the work!

thanks so much i appreciate that your comic is very good and i just subbed and gave you a ten rating

thanks for the sub!

I'm going to sub to all the comics here

Here is mine. I'm on a hiatus but I'll return soon.

subbed! here's mine!

I'd be glad to check out work.
Anyway, here's my fantasy comic.

I'll check out your comic and subscribe. Here is my webcomic if you are interested.

Hi there!
Just published Chapter 3

Subbed! The art is beautiful!!

Here's mine on webtoons if you wanna sub there!

I really dig your comic! Just subbed.

Hope you all enjoy mine!