3 / 3
Mar 2021

Hey, guys!

Drop your link to your Youtube channel and let's trade subs. My channel has many different videos on it but mainly has my podcast, Geeking Around, and time-lapse speed drawings.


Also, drop your webcomic link if you like to trade subs too. Here are my webcomics

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 2


  • 303


  • 2


  • 5


I've got a shitpost yt channel. Its totally unrelated to my webcomic stuff since I started it before then. Eventually I'll use youtube as a platform to advertise my webcomics but idk how since youtube is video and webcomics are still images. I'll figure something out but until then I just kinda shitpost there whenever I get inspired to do so, leading to inconstant and random upload schedules

Also here is my webcomic

I subscribed to your Youtube channel and webcomic. Yeah, I would suggest advertising your webcomic on your Youtube videos, even if it's not related to comics. I follow this one youtube that does the Top 5 Scariest Videos on The Internet thing, and he always includes an ad for his musician page before he reveals the #1 video. And the ad is just a screenshot of his website and him just asking for people to visit it. Also, make sure to put a link to your webcomic in the video description.