15 / 37
Sep 2024

Hello there! >w<)/
I'm not sure about the others, but what I did includes the usage of 2 devices; my phone and my laptop. First share the link of your story via phone to any social media that you have. Chatting apps are also concluded. For me, I used Whatsapp and Telegram and shared it there on my private group. owo
Then, I copied the link and pasted it here.
Hope this helps! >w<)9

And yes I will sub to your work too!
Keep up the great work, and thank you! :sparkles:

Here is my comic plot and link for participation. :smile_01:

Random Humor: Random is a Red Cardinal that enjoys prop comedy and as his name suggests he is very random.

The World According to Norton: Norton is a fancy Ostrich who enjoys messing with the comic world that surrounds him. This often annoys the other characters in his comic especially Trevor, his creator. Norton believes that he is always right, but this belief brings him into situations that often go wrong.

Woeful Woodpeckers: Wilford is a grumpy Woodpecker who is easily annoyed. Willie is a happy Woodpecker who annoys Wilford. They both live in the same tree and Wayward the Worm is stuck between this argument.

Have a daily comic strip called The Experiment check it out, subscribe let me know if you like it or if you don't either way is cool with me. The Experiment1

Here is mine and if you wanted to get rewards ,hit 250 subs

Noice! oAo!
BTW I have subscribed to your stories! >w<)7
I have a number of stories on my profile, feel free to pick whatever you like owo)b
And thank you! >w<)9

I am sinisterly happy to support any of you all back. Please see my comic plot and link below. :pumpkin:

Scary Terry is an outcast amongst the demons of Hell because he doesn’t take enough souls. This all changes when he finds the book of Dark Contents. When read, each scary story in this brutal book offers a different soul…and yours…could be NEXT! Published twice a month.

Just subbed to your novel

Hybrid: Humanity

Genre: Fantasy / Action


Description: In the 1800s, an unprecedented convergence of demons and humanity altered the course of history, sowing the seeds of conflict and camaraderie. Now, in the world of the 2100s, a traumatized half-demon teenager is drawn into a realm teeming with covert battles and concealed truths.

Within this intricate tapestry of magic and mystery, ancient pools of power house unrevealed potentials, ready to ignite. Accompany our enigmatic protagonist as she journeys through a world where allegiances flicker like shadows, and the distinction between friend and foe remains perpetually uncertain.