Episode 1: "Farm Awakening"
(This was an interesting idea. Mine's a comic, fyi...)
We open to the coop, a seemingly peaceful scene...But that would be wrong. Here, roosters fight to be the top pecker, and only one of them is strongest to make the morning call. His name is Gallus, of the Reds.
The coop's owner, Alec Tryon, is awaken early by the chaos, and despite his threats to kill the rooster, he resumes his morning routine. His son, Luke, makes him breakfast and the two discuss the future of the chicken farm/rescue in the wake of Alec's wife's passing.
"I hope you will be ready for the changes coming..." he says...
Meanwhile, Friar - a (bald) contemplative chicken - overhears this message and interprets it to be from a divine source. As he hails the coming of a new awakening for the coop, he holds his wings up in praise of the Providers, revealing a photo of the Tryon family--his caretakers.

No one is obligated to join the Order, unless you like what you see...