1 / 435
Dec 2021

Hey everyone!^^
Earlier this year, @Legendofgenii made a thread here which was the OC Dog Pile and everyone had so much fun doing it that I thought that we maybe should do this again.
And so I present to you the **Christmas Chibi Pile :grin: :slight_smile:

As you can see, we've got a lot of spots aviable here, so everyone can join in!^^

I give you the quick rundown on how it should be done. So read carefully everything please.^^ (For the love of GOD, PLEASE, read it. I hate repeating myself over and over again!:cry_01: )

First things first, I suck at drawing Chibis. :sweat_smile:
So you have creative liberty on how your Chibi looks.
It is first comes first so please don't do the work now and expect to get that spot!

Only spots with a :green_heart: number are left:
You'll have a bit more work to do. :sweat_smile:
1. You can draw your Chibi with a pose of your choice and a wrapping design of your own, but try to be in the "square"
I'll show you what I mean:

2. Please avoid any form of speech bubbles or text from your drawing. It would look kinda mean for the person behind you.

3. Headgear, like hats and stuff, is okay but try to avoid making them bigger as they are.

Your drawings should be a PNG-File with a transparent background.
After posting your drawing you can drop a link to your series, and your social medias for the others to share. :grin:

And some things I want to adress here too:
"Can I message you through Discord for a spot?"
I am on the Tapas server but this should be a Forums only event. (Forum gang rise up!)

And this is just something I want to say:
I'm not aviable most of the time but I'm trying to be more active around here as long as my phone doesn't let me log in here too like my pc does. So it would be nice if I could maybe get one or two volunteers helping me out. :cry_01:

Deadline is 22.12.21 or we finished earlier as planned.
I hope everyone will have fun doing this!!
(And yes, I will upload the pic in higher resolution. So, don't worry.^^)

-Update 10.12.21-
Everyone, with this update, I officially and irrevocable announce that you're allowed to claim a secondary spot! You can even double-dip! (Double-dip means you can claim two spots at once.)
So, if you already contributed here, you can do it again too.^^

Final Update

(I will cross out the spots taken when I can.
Changes can be still be made.)

  • created

    Dec '21
  • last reply

    Jan '22
  • 434


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There are 434 replies with an estimated read time of 21 minutes.

Can I have spot #1, please? Thanks for organizing this!

Sure thing.^^ And don't forget to draw your character as a christmas elf or reindeer. :grin:

Cool, thanks. I'll get on it ASAP then. :slight_smile:

Ah, take your time. Deadline is the 22 anyways.

Cool, thanks. Really excited to see how this develops. :slight_smile:

Thanks for putting this together, BTW. :slight_smile: