292 / 407
Mar 2021

I just came back to work on my fantasy/action comic after so many months and it still only has 8 subs and I hope the coming time will get it back on track

Here's mine. At 69 last time I checked

Here's my comic! It's a fantasy coming of age story about a girl who lives with mother in a lighthouse on an island once populated by dragons and now overrun by giant flies.

Here's my comic! Currently at 14 subscribers and aiming for at least 20 by the end of this month.
It's a supernatural mystery focusing on two siblings, Joyce and Seth, as they unravel the secrets of the forest...

Here’s my comic!

Hey, this is my first real attempt at a comic.

The genre: adventure, mystery with some romance.
Follow Ava, a young teen as she begins to encounter strange occurrences around her town. She, through unlikely circumstances, meets Sean and together they seek to uncover the mysteries of the world around them.


Wanna see some weird stuff? here! I just moved here to tapas from Webtoons but yeah this is pretty swag i guess

Here's my comic "Mërj Revolution" - adventure, fantasy, drama, mythology. with a lot of historical references from different cultures of the world and a diverse cast of characters

let's help eachother grow <3

Here's my webcomic, First Fantasy: Like a old school JRPG world built by Tolkien, characters created by Tetsuya Nomura and with George RR Martin and Terry Pratchett doing the writing:

Come check out mine if you want!

Boldtoon Now are creating our series
Here we go :blush:

"Grave of Memories"
Now reach 37 Episodes
Genre : Action/Fantasy
The Sinopsis : It all started when God inflicts a curse upon the deceased so they are forgotten the moment they passed. But an anomaly causes a child unaffected by the curse. Is that anomaly a divine fallacy? Or does it have an intentional purpose?


Thanks for attention :heart_eyes: