7 / 24
Sep 2022

Both singles or team would be good.

Also, since there hasn't been much fighting in my comic yet, I'm willing to write up extra information in case anyone needs it.

The Tapas battle Theatre

Also I am contemplating whether or not to throw my characters in here

I've honestly been debating the same thing for my guys as well. Mostly because I kinda want to see a Flare VS Andrew fight, but it might be better to wait on that until I get something with the Dragoons actually made and published. :sweat_smile:

Bringing in the Goblins from Yellowrod. And may they die in a spectacular silly way.

And if you need someone to finish or settle a battle once and for all, you may take a Wolf. (They can't die)

So I do have a lead character named Garossu Dokidoki who could be good in this, the downside is that she has a major upgrade and attitude shift from chapter 16 on

This is how I trick people into reading my couple-hours-long webcomic

That sounds nice but would it be unfair to put two people with stick figure bodies and from a magical fantasy world with strange logic and surprising abilities against Naota and Nikado?


i really freaking hope my joke was funny

@aqua03 Oh yeah! I'd be down.

@Awesomeness_Studios Also don't worry lol. The isekaier threats in Season 2 are literally me going "How strange can I get?" (spoilers, but due to my artist's wifi not working we had to get another artist to fill in and I realized that the next isekaier is a psychic so we just straight up said "screw it, the isekaier has just entered this realm and is warping reality!"). Not to mention Naota is a pretty crafty guy (not sure about Nikado because... y'know). If you want two people with more "UMPH" Quincy and Aztec could be perfect picks. Quincy with his super laughter and his skills on a pogo stick and Aztec for his spirit. In fact, there's a running gag with Quincy where as long as it doesn't have to do with ghosts, nothing phases him. He probably saw aliens that resembled your characters :v

Or Nancy. Chick's killed/kidnapped Isekaiers before.

Death Battle is what got me interested in storytelling in the first place!

As for who I nominate, Aiden Brandt, the demon looking guy, for sure. Everyone else has feats, powers and scaling that aren't coming for a while, but he's pretty much ready to go!
And as a heads up, he's getting his first major fight in an update or two.

If you need any clarification on anything, even backstory, I'll gladly provide!