21 / 73
Sep 2021

Hello Tapas creators! (Scroll down for completed artwork)

Christmas is creeping up, and we've all be working hard on our creations. The community has always been supportive (well, most of the time xD), so let's give back and have a little fun by creating an awesome collaborated Christmas wallpaper for 2021!
This event takes inspiration from a recent similar post by @Legendofgenii You can see what they have created here: https://forums.tapas.io/t/the-oc-dog-pile-chibi-challenge-complete-d/63511?u=tapiyokastudios

Now for the deets! (Please read carefully)

Our Illustrator Muni at TAPIYOKA STUDIOS has generously produced an original template that the participants will use as a guide (see below).
For this event, there will be a maximum of 15 available spots (#14 & 15 doesn't need a sock). I will be monitoring this post often and will be the one deciding on the participants. If you are chosen as a participant, you will be drawing your main character/s from your comic on your corresponding "sock". Your character will either be a miniaturised version of themselves, or chibi. Furthermore, to hold the festive spirit, your character will be Christmas-themed as well (e.g. santa costume, elf cosplay, antler head band, etc). You will also be designing your own sock (but, try not to skew too differently in shape from the original template). Upon collecting all the finished drawings, Muni will reconstruct it into one wallpaper and finalise the background.

Image rules:
- Human & non-human acceptable
- Pose is flexible (but same direction of corresponding sock is a must)
- Character direction must be facing the same way as in the template
- Export 3000x3000 max, 300dpi, png

Application info:
1. Choose your preferred position on the template.
2. Provide a link to your comic, and name of your character (doesn't have to be MC)
3. Provide your discord name (or other sns if you don't have)

Note 1: I will not be able to accept applications if your comic is not "family-friendly" (too explicit, violent, etc)
Note 2: I do not have a specific criteria, but if your comic is not active or possibly on hiatus, that may affect your viability for this event.
Note 3: Some more criteria is that your comic have 3 or more episodes, and that the quality of the art is to a certain standard (you may see through the current participants level of skill as a light reference)
Note 4: Participants are not limited to just the tapas forum users, however all participants are Tapas community comic creators.

If you have any questions, or if there was maybe something that I missed do let me know. I also plan to post this on IG and also put it at the end of an episode of Mysteries of The Magnificent (the one closest to Christmas).

That's it, apply!

Current available spots: -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-
Dash = taken

Current Participants: @Legendofgenii (7), @DualDragons (8), @vvodbow (11), @DelythThomasArt (9), @afuji (13), @rumpenstiltzkin (14), @Gramkrackerhan (15), ASTRO (2), Akuma BLOSSOM (4), Almanic Studios (5), Kan (10), KentheArtist (12), Teja (1), @sushy00 (6), @Azifri (3)

THANK YOU TO ALL OF THOSE THAT PARTICIPATED. It is featured in our episode Mysteries of The Magnificent S1 - Ep 3. Playing with Fire [Rev]

  • created

    Sep '21
  • last reply

    Dec '21
  • 72


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There are 72 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

Ooo yes please!

I’ll probably draw Genii this time.

I’ll send Discord details etc. if chosen.

I'd like to take part :hype_01:
1. I'd like spot no 9
2. Leonard from the series I couldn't name on tapas discord :sweat_02:

3. Animefanka#0004

Yes, awesome to be collabing with you. I'll put you down for number 7. :smile:
I always stare at your profile pic, it's so cute xD. Dm me genii.

Ooo this is interesting!
If I'd get picked I would draw Rayvis (the deer)

Spot 6 :doggo:

discord - AmandaJ-art#2155

Sorry, I'll have to decline this. Since I'll be advertising it on our comic, I can't have our little readers be exposed to your type of content. But keep doing what you do, I understand the Christmas theme would of spiced it up for you :joy:

  1. I'm interested in 12 if I get chosen!
  1. otaku_rose#8302

Ah yeah haha I understand.

Do I dm the character? Or do you need additional info?

I'd like to add all the participants in a group dm on Discord, so it makes it easier for me to compile things. So dm me your discord, any other details can be discussed there more easily.

Hi, thank you lots for hosting this!! Sounds super fun :laughing:

My co-author @Nuuniverse and I would like to participate, but before that, we just want to check what's the (estimated) deadline? Is it some time in December or much earlier?

We'd be happy to have you guys. There is no exact deadline, just leaving enough reasonable time for my artist to finalise the background and composition (around early-mid december max). Dm me your Discord name and also your choice of position on the template :slight_smile:

we'll get 'em next time boys

I was afraid that may be the case '^^
Could I still join with a character from


Could I possibly grab slot 9 with Aster from my comic Spirit Caller
Discord is Delyth #5885

Could I have spot 14 for my character Jackson from my comic? (Tho I don't mind taking another spot if it gets filled beforehand)

My discord user is iHateFridays#2807

I feel all spots are pretty much equall//so i can take any if I pass. lets say 13 is a nice number
Series Rum & done, any character can be - they are all different main colours. I can have Mag or Jace ( red/orange) or Seph ( yellow|green) depending on the overall composition so it looks nice on the tree.

yes, it's a bl but not explicit or gory. but Im not sure what you mean by family-friendly. Maybe you need to name genres or specific mature tags...

Hey, thanks for trying again. I actually had to consult this to my artist (we discussed it for like half an hour). I'm sorry, based on our judgement (it's not something she'd want her little sister to see) we can't have you on this collab. I hope you understand. The same goes for a lot of other BL or lgbt+ comics since many of them in nature tend to have sexualised content.

Just revived your comic. By our judgement they are some explicit scenes, and other adult themes, unfortunately we cannot accept your application.

Ooh nice, thanks for the fast response!
Early/mid Dec is a good enough estimate for us. We're on hiatus cuz of life reasons (and to build buffers too!), so we just need some rough time to fit in our schedule :grin:

I'll be the contact point for the application then~

  1. We'll take spot #11
  2. Comic link:

3.Discord name: vvodbow#5228

[Edit: Oops, just realized I accidentally rep to my own post but I don't wanna throw you too many notifications so won't edit that]

Hmm just gave both of your comics a quick check and noticed the LGBTQ+ theme.

The OP previously mentioned in a reply that this time they cannot accept submissions from comics with this theme (it's not something she'd want her little sister to see), so I thought that was meant for yours too?

I don't mean to hijack your discussion regarding this, but just want to highlight that point :bow:

I love Christmas! I would love to take part in this. But one question. Can it be two characters in a stocking instead of one because I usually have two main characters for my weekly Sunday series. :smiley:

Sound fun and I've love to participate! :heart_03:
I would be ok with any spot and dm you my discord name if picked
Here's my comics on tapas:

I could join in with one of my characters if it's still open. :slight_smile:

It just has some LGBTQ characters, most of my characters are minors and so am I so I didn't put any adult themes. :upside_down:. It's just there will be some kids struggling with their Sexuality and gender. Not anything adult, even the slightest of violence has adult filter added

Fun! Id love to join iwth one of my main characters if there are any spots left! :smiley:

aw i was interested but i dont think i'll be allowed since my comic isn't family-friendly
I hope everyone else has fun tho and lol merry Christmas

this is very cool!
1. I love 14 but I don't really care, my Lucifer is very adaptable hahaha
2. Lucifer would be very fun (I can change it to Michael as he's an angel, if you want, but I think Lucifer has more presence)

3. Sami Luu|Black Wings#4021

I was about to toss my hat in the ring until I saw this:

While my comic isn't exactly explicit in language or violence I wouldn't exactly describe it as "family friendly" at its core so hey, good luck to the rest of you! :sweat_02: