vvodbow of Bomeo the Service Cat
Boland! tapas.io/series/Bomeo-the-Service-Cat/info
The other parent (besides @nuuniverse) of Bomeo the Service Cat webcomic! Also Bomeo's 1st imaginary friend
Hobbies: rambling, destroying symmetry, acting like a sane human.
One-stop URL for all things Bomeo: http://smarturl.it/bomeo
- Joined
- Jun 3, '21
- Last Post
- Oct 23, '21
- Seen
- May 7, '22
- Views
- 97
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- member
Haha yes, that's Bomeo's cousin~ Awesome to know there was no confusion for you, hehe. So far, lots of comments or feedback we got (from outside Tapas) is that the reader was confused/ surprised/ shocked that Bomeo isn't a real cat as they read on, so we can't help but think maybe something was no…
Aaaaaah thank you so muchhhhh! Those are really legit points
Especially about the Master's student portion. It was meant as a pun that Bomeo's Master is a Master's (a.k.a. graduate) student, but we never realized it has a different meaning in this context [:sweat_02:]
Bomeo calling him Master i…
Perfect timing. I'm in desperate need to upgrade my blurb! You might have come across it already though, haha [:sweat_02:]
Thank you so much for doing this!
Description A Master's student picked up a cat blanket on the street. Unknown to its Master, the blanket is alive and is always ready to …
Now that it looks like the 4rum is slowly going away [:sweat_01:], it's the perfect time to dig up & archive more of these.
If you're not too busy and don't have an issue with a (cat-like) blanket as MC, this might be a fun read [:smug_01:]
Ooh I often dig old threads for random art topics & recommendations for somewhat "older" series~ Some of my favorites that I go back to from time to time:
[image] So far there're only 3 characters, haha. Btw, Bomeo literally can't drink but it will enjoy soaking itself in alcohol [:coffee_love:] And that Halloween chibi dog pile looks extremely tempting [:hohoho:]

The Lighthouse. I'm dying to watch that in a proper theater again [:hohoho:] Will save the food for after the movie to not distract myself, but lobsters would be nice, ehehe.
Hmm just gave both of your comics a quick check and noticed the LGBTQ+ theme. The OP previously mentioned in a reply that this time they cannot accept submissions from comics with this theme (it's not something she'd want her little sister to see), so I thought that was meant for yours too? I do…
Ooh nice, thanks for the fast response! Early/mid Dec is a good enough estimate for us. We're on hiatus cuz of life reasons (and to build buffers too!), so we just need some rough time to fit in our schedule
I'll be the contact point for the application then~
We'll take spot #11
Comic link:
Hi, thank you lots for hosting this!! Sounds super fun
My co-author @Nuuniverse and I would like to participate, but before that, we just want to check what's the (estimated) deadline? Is it some time in December or much earlier?
Squeeeeeeeze! [image]
This shady lady is a major character for Bomeo the Service Cat's next season. Her name and motives are unknown for now, but Bomeo knows her as EX-Mistress
To Bomeo, she's a lot more dangerous than that electric pole she's clutching
Aww thanks!!
Ooh your novel looks exciting! Will binge it when I got time~
Yep, it's kinda a cat plushie, but instead of cotton/beads inside the body, it's a non-detachable blanket
"Compact" Bomeo: [image]
"Messy" Bomeo: [image]
I know that may not make much sense
There's no short, self-explanatory name for it that I know of, so I'm quite stumped every time I nee…
Haha this is such a fun thread!
At this point of my team's story:
Master would rejoice in having a legit excuse to not work on his thesis. After ensuring he has evidence of having been kidnapped and trapped in a (haunted) house, maybe he'll take a nice, long nap. [image]
Bomeo would just go …
Art by @Nuuniverse
Bomeo the Service Cat has reached 10 subs!! Ayyyyy
Hi, thank you so much for doing this! If you have some spare time, please have a look at the blurb for Bomeo the Service Cat: A Master's student picked up a cat blanket on the street. Unbeknownst to its Master, the cat is alive and is always ready to offer its service! Secretly… as it cannot rev…
I look forward to reading your recap every episode They're really well done and don't get in the way of binge reading at all, especially for traditional format.
And what's not to like about seeing more cute MAOR
At least at this point when the story's still more chill.
If you're into crime investigation, mystery and cops, have a look at The Pale by @agentfink (Jay & Sanders Fabares) [:smug_01:]
Nice prompt! Here goes:
Ridiculous cute "cat"
Haha chest hair and paws are nice additions
I'm thinking the same! Working consistently on things I love (i.e. besides work) isn't something I'm good at. But thanks to this I've managed to stick to a more regular routine. Checking out everyone else's works was also fun and eye-opening! Thanks again for hosting this challenge @gabriellabalag…
Woah, it's already near the end! Time really flies!!
Spending the last days of July to finish the last episode of this season and add the finishing touches to this month's short animation
There're still a few things left undone, but we managed to hit most of our key targets this month. Next mon…
Ooh love your style!! If you still got time on your hand, could you give Bomeo a try? [:heart_02:] Can choose any pose and expression~ [image] [image] [image] Idk how best to describe how Bomeo gets to that form, so will leave you with this: [image] https://tapas.io/series/Bomeo-the-Servic…
Woah thank you!! Glad you like it~
Maybe a thread for tutorials & general knowledge drops (not one for discussion)? I know there're many resources elsewhere, but would be cool to see a collection of guides or notes the creators here have made, as they closely relate to the comics/novels on Tapas. Like their workflow, how they typic…
Spent a few hours squishing my stuffed toys to figure out some character designs for the next season. In other words, worldbuilding
Seems like creepy cute critters and highly asymmetric archi models will be part of the main concept