561 / 872
Jul 2017

Hi everyone! here is my comic Nomikei. A comic about a girl who finds a dragon; together will fight for the peace of the universe, task that won´t be easy. I hope you like it :smiley:

JORUND has way under. Like, way way under. lol. If anybody enjoys it then please SUB. The story has just hit the halfway mark. So a great chance to jump on :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, I am quite new to Tapas! I have a grand total of ONE subscriber~
I have been sharing some highlights of my doodle comics here:

It's a little silly, slice of life kinda thing. Hope you might like it. Feedback welcomed!

Thanks in advance for checking them out!

The warm and popular Subaru is constantly chasing after the mean Andou-san, who in turn rejected him every single time. What is it that made Subaru chase after her? What made Andou-san the person she is now?

For you GL lovers out there!
Tomomi has always been a best friend of Sachi's...or has she?

I know I've done a lot of these before, but I've found some great comics while scrolling through. ^w^

Here's mine!

Slice of life comic;

Art learning "comic";

Teach Me To Kill (a webcomic about a school of Serial Killers filled with creepy and cute characters and moments) has been going since January on the oficial site, but here has just been for few months. Since here it's still in it's "early" pages it's going a lil slow, but I hope once we reach the change of style and improvement and the first big twist, things will go smoother! Part of the cast that will be appearing as story progreses:

I haven't even reached 100 subscribers yet.. ^^'
My comic Pandemonium is a fantasy/horror featuring demonic possession and the seven deadly sins :smiley: so if you're interested in that kind of stuff, please check it out~

I love this comic a lot and it deserves a lot more subscribers!:zap::cat2:

I was coming here to point out GreggK's it is really funny, but he just posted. So check out his, then mine. Mine is a comedy about talking animals trying to figure out how to pay rent to the evil (well not that evil) cat they rent from.

Here's my humorous, action, adventure, scifi comic Stop Watchers

It's about a trio of time travelers whose job it is to stop time criminals from changing the past. The Stop Watchers jobs are not to change the past but to stop those who wish to.

First eight pages are up as of this post

Hello hello eve/

My comic makes a lot of parallels between space and deep sea~!

Hi! 9 subs here :smiley: This is my comic Broken Out. It's a mix of a lot of genres about people who are trying to change something in their lives, no matter if they're just doing their usual work at the office or beating a few gangsters everyday!