33 / 124
Dec 2015

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 4 :: The Satrians by12 @carodoodles


Day 4 of Tapastic Winter Fest!

Today's episode is on Carlisle's series The Satrians3. Follow the fun as the gift falls into Ri's mischievous hands. Lots of fun cameos to spot and a few easter eggs. See if you can spot them all! The readers that can find all the hidden mascots, win a prize at the end of the whole collab.

While you're there give the rest of Carlisle's series a good read. The Satrians is a fun Sci-fi series about a human child adopted by aliens.

@carodoodles If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about The Satrian alien race, please do share! smile

UNBELIEVABLY EXCITED can't wait to see the whole thing together!!!! happy tears

Omg, I didn't even remark Keisuke's bag on his head XD
And you actually just wrote what there was on the shop, omg...

What an awesome episode, full of little scenes here and there smiley

I KNOW!!!!! these updates make my day every day, I'm so happy to see this finally happening ;__;

Hi! My goal for this comic was to put in as much cameos as possible, and have my characters interacting with some. (I wish my characters could interact with EVERYONE's characters!) That was fun- getting taste of everyone's characters and trying to design them in my drawing style!

Sasha is actually the lead for The Satrians. But for this comic, I wanted to use Ri as a lead and let xem unleash xyr mischievous nature. And I HAD to have Dion wearing a tacky ugly xmas sweater. Xe looks beautiful in it, doesn't xe?

I truly enjoyed working on this project with 24 other amazing creators ever since end of summer. Seeing their beautiful work in progress and finished comics really motivated me. <3

I love that paperbag on Keisuke so mu--- I JUST NOTICED THE HORSESHOE MARKS ON HIS CLOTHES OMG >XDDD

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 5 :: Time Gate: Reaper by7 @UzukiCheverie


Day 5! Are you excited yet?!

Today's episode is on Uzuki's series Time Gate: Reaper4. Read how Uzuki delivers the mysterious gift in her own unique way.

Hey, while you're on Time Gate Reaper, why not give the whole series a good binge reading. It's a fun adventure of death in the form of a teenage girl with a fiery attitude and her friends.

@UzukiCheverie If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about your comic series, Time Gate Reaper, please do share! smile

(thank you Cyndi lol <3)

Time Gate is definitely a binge-read series, so don't go in there prepared to start off wherever and go from there (but if you take on the challenge, you deserve a trophy and my utmost respect). Being a binge-reader myself, I'm glad that I'm able to draw such an extensive (and sometimes complicated) series. At 223 episodes, 10 chapters, and 230 individual pages and counting, it's only a single snowflake off the iceberg that sinks to the bottom of the Marianas Trench in terms of how big the series is planned to be (... yeah I sorta screwed myself over with that).

In terms of the Winter Fest episode, it's about half the length of a usual chapter, so it didn't take me too long to do it once I actually sat down and worked on it (which took me forever to do /lazy). I wanted to get the gist of the three main characters within the comic, without stretching the episode too long, and I feel like I was able to do it okay with Uzuki and Mitsuhiro's brief - and aggressive - interactions. I do wish I could have expanded on Saichi's participation in the comic a bit more, but I'm still glad I was able to get him into it regardless, being the third most main character of Time Gate: Reaper (however Uzuki and Mitsuhiro are the leading characters, so they were more important to summarize in a mini-sode through their conversations and attitude towards each other; especially because this is what a lot of the first book, Reaper, focuses on).

Overall, if you're looking to read an extensive series that seems to go on and on and on (like I tend to look for which is where it obviously rubbed off lol), with a ton of character interactions, fight scenes, action, and a little bit of horror and time-travelling dabbled here and there, then Time Gate's right up your alley. Don't be deceived by the happy-go-lucky plot of Mitsuhiro and Uzuki on the surface - the snowflake leads to a pretty big iceberg, after all, and that iceberg is filled with a LOT of stuff that would take me hours to even start talking about.

Hope you all enjoy the Winter Fest episode! And I hope to see some of you hop on the Project Reaper wagon smile

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 6 :: Leaves by5 @LittleEndian


We're on Day 6 already! December is flying by quick.

Today's episode is on Little Endian's series Leaves2. Check out this long strip filled from panel to panel with fun cameos hidden gags and a main core of a funny series of event as Edeline and Lucien try to deliver the mystery gift.

I highly recommend checking out the rest of Little Endian's series, Leaves, for a great slice of life comic series as Edeline discovers an old diary and reads the dramatic life of Lucien and his friends.

@LittleEndian If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about your comic series, please do share! smile

Thank you Cyndi and ratique ^____^

Concerning my episode making of, I have to admit that it was a lot of works :
finding an idea according to the previous and the next episode, writing the script, sketching, lining, coloring it (as you can see, my main comic is white and black. But for this special event, I wanted a special COLORED episode ! \o/). ; and finally, translate it to english (with nox.fox and getsu's help! Thanks to them, my weird english has been corrected :p)
A lot of work, yes, BUT I wasn't alone smiley Seeing the project evolving day after day, new sketches posted each day by the other participants : it was REALLY motivating. Everyone were working so hard and were posting awesome sketches, so I had to do my best too ^^

Well, you'll will be able to see their quality works by your own eyes wink Stay tuned and enjoy our special event dedicated to you all, Tapastic members !

I'm overflowing with emotions.

Tapastic Winter Fest 2015 Dec 7 :: Demon House by4 @joannekwan


Don't Open Until Dec 7... HEY! That's today! OuO!

Today's episode is on Joanne Kwan's series Demon House2. See what happens when the gift falls into the hands of demons! ~Wooooo~

Are you a fan of fun slice of life series with supernatural elements mixed in? Who isn't? haha Check out the rest of Joanne's series as Tula, a human trying to survive college, must also learn how to live with her new house mates.

@joannekwan If you'd like to share any fun behind the scenes stories about the making of your episode or tell us more about your comic series, please do share! smile

It was so awesome doing this together in Google Hangouts! Those were great moments, really, drawing together and all, probably one of my best memories about this project! ^ u ^
Your episode is most certainly one of my very favorite, with so much going on in it!

I love this episode OuO

Oh yes, my experiences... breaks out a cup of tea and sips it looking off into the distance

Well it was a daunting task as I'm sure it was for everyone, juggling their own series and this collab. But it's definitely worth it! I got in touch with the creators before and after my part (@LittleEndian and @anakarenina resp.) fairly early on to get the bare bones of our plots and how we'd work out the gift transitions. That was super helpful.

The best part was squeezing in all the cameos. My favorite ones to draw were Grave and Pill checking out the smoked meats booth, Dion waiting in line at the lost and found booth with Sasha and an impatient Ri, and an outraged Ephelia being pushed aside by Tula barreling through the crowd. xD
It was super fun to draw everyone's characters.

And I applaud everyone who included mine, with special thanks to all who attempted to draw Fawn! I know her design is a bit tough to nail down.

@joannekwan It was great working with you! : D I loved the plot of your comic!
And it shows how much love and thought you put into the cameos; that Ephelia was great, one of my fave cameos on your part >v<

It's hard to choose a favorite, but I think my favorite cameo here is Ri....

I can just hear xem saying something like "but MOOOOOM!!", I love it x'D