Hi hi.
I had noticed that Tapas' cover templates, while handy, don't work with their smaller displays. When you go to search for comics or look at rankings, a LOT of people's titles are cut off.

Now, I know that these thumbnails have Tapas' overlay of words and icons, but that takes away from the making of the cover itself. In template requirements of what will be covered and what will not, it does not show an example of the exact type of display below (I provided a pic) which is what will most likely be shown to readers who look up comics/novels. This is also seen when you look up rankings as well.

Knowing how to make your cover stand out AND have it be artistically sound in composition for the platform you are sharing your comic/novel, I would think you'd want to know how it is display everywhere on the site. You want your cover to look good in your profile display for your work, as well as look good for the site's displays wherever they may be.

Here's an example of the dispaly issue. Some I've outlined in red that were pretty bad crops:

I've used my cover as a base to make a slight adjustment to the cover template that Tapas provides. I'm currently reworking mine because of the bad cropping.
Tapas' original template is the yellow and orange. The purple space and guidelines are my additions. The purple space is used to highlight the part of the cover that will be seen the MOST. So put your most important shapes, line of action, characters, colors, etcetera there. Keep your title within that space if you plan to have it in the center or closer to the top of your cover's composition. (If you plan to have the title within the bottom that says "title at 1/3rd" then that's fine. Tapas' title overlay will be visible and legible for anyone looking at this type of display. But it still looks a little strange on some of the ones I outlined in red above imo.)

This is just for anyone who has a certain composition in mind, but would also like to dodge the hurdles of sharing it on this platform. Feel free to use it. I hope this helps! :sun_with_face:

EDIT: Right-click the template and open in a new tab. It'll show it at its resolution. Then you can just copy and paste it into your drawing software, size it up so the yellow reaches the edge of your canvas. This follows the Tapas' size guidelines for a cover, 960x1440px. Can be a PNG, JPG, or GIF but cannot exceed 2MB.)