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Aug 2024

Do Hollywood movies impact you on the same level that anime does or does anime impact you far more?

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
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I would say of late, anime has been doing a better job when it comes to non-fighting anime. I find the daily fighting anime the garbage I always found it to be. Frieren was done very well, as was The Apothecary Diaries. Hollywood has lost the ability to write a good story and not put a moral message front and center like a baseball bat to the head. Hollywood also leaned very hard into meta humor, where people in the movie know they are in a movie and do things that a real person would never do. I they can't take their movie seriously, why should I.

The way this question is worded makes it feel a little loaded...like, the inherent assumption is that anime has an impact that Hollywood has to be measured against. A fair assumption based on this forum's demographics, but an assumption nevertheless.

I think it's important to keep an open mind, though...for me, I think the impact is roughly the same. Assuming by 'Hollywood movies' you mean American live-action cinema in general.

I don't really watch many movies (not even animated ones...I prefer long-form content) but when I do, the experiences are surprisingly immersive...even the ones I felt mostly 'meh' about like The Hobbit and Spider-Man: Far from Home. It's easy to stay engaged and truly feel like I'm visiting another world for a few hours.

Anime on the other hand...despite the fact that I watch more of it in general, it's a lot easier for me to tune it out. ^^; I know anime better, and more importantly, I know when I'm about to be disappointed by anime a lot better...I usually don't even bother finishing 'meh' anime; I just stop caring.

And when it comes to the ones that weren't 'meh' and actually left a big positive impact on me, again, it's pretty much even competition. I have immense respect for Madoka Magica AND The Truman Show; I've rewatched The Force Awakens about as many times as I've rewatched Princess Principal.
And if you include long-form media (it should count! That's Hollywood too!!) I don't think I've ever seen an anime that has the overwhelmingly fun edgy-camp feel of season one of The Mandalorian. ^^ And it's strange, because you'd think anime would be built for that kind of thing...the only one I can think of that even comes close is Noir, which I guess means I need to watch more anime from the early 00's...

Haven't watched a Hollywood movie in awhile. So I'd say anime has more impact on me.

mmmhhh... well my style might come from mostly a an anime inspired style, but I've definetly been influenced by the european comics I grew up with as a kid, like the smurfs or asterix & obelix.

Old Hollywood sure does. Stuff from the golden age of Hollywood does it for me.