22 / 25
Nov 2022

I have my own website, but it's largely there for professional clients and a sense of legitimacy. A website isn't really a substitute for social media because people don't usually stumble on a website, they need to either be given a link or seek you out. The problem I have with Inkblot is that a good social media platform for artists to hang out with other artists is nice, but not useful for career stuff, because a good social media app or site for that needs to have people who aren't artists on there.
Artists do commission other artists sometimes and follow each others comics, but you can't make a career out of just commissions from other artists or other comickers following your comic; you need clients and readers who aren't artists themselves too.

I don’t know why more artists don’t use Instagram as their platform. It’s photo gallery-based and have multiple ways to engage. The UI is really easy as well. Tumblr is a good second, but it can get really niche and the UI and social media aspect is really messy to me… could just be my early boomer brain tho

I think we should make an affiliate/link exchange thread for doing link exchanges/affiliates for our websites. That's how we networked on the internet before social media!

So if you have a nice website, contact me :smiley: Maybe we can exchange links :smiley:

As some one who uses instagram for art and gets alot more interactions and friends on there. I wonde that myself. Nsfw artists i understand but people who do mostly sw art i dont get. Since its very good for arranging your artwork.

I think it maybe due to how erratic the algorithm changes. At one point tags wouldnt work (the very thing that gets your stuff seen by other people) and the reel switch for relevance was the straw that broke the camels back for alot.

Will love to do that once i get off my butt to program one.

Tapas peeks to check out list :grinning:

An art network would be fun and all homely you know

Artstation has brilliant artwork and I love it! Unfortunately yes it is not a social media platform, so only for a niche audience and not everyone. Social media is a dumpster fire in my experience. I have Instagram but I don’t use it that much only to talk to other artists and post artwork.

Well, that's what it is for. Posting pictures. It's not a blog, you can write nothing at all and still become a popular creator :slight_smile:
So kinda ideal unless you're into writing a lot of text.

afaik Tumblr does seems to be lessening the strictness of the ban by putting nsfw content behind certain filters which may not be perfect in the eyes of such artists but honestly better than nothing

in terms of other art centric sites Inkblot and Artfol are where I'm keeping my eyes on and in terms of general social media I'm just looking at TikTok and maybe neocities

it's a mess for sure looking at the state of the internet but i can't see bothering with places like artstation because i cant shake the feeling of like idk..."pros only"? like there's styles you expect to see and others that might not fit alongside and i don't need that pressure

I never understood the appeal of TikTok and I never will. :sob: well I get it it’s got funny videos on there but that was never my cup of tea. (Unless if it’s asdf movie or something viral and good memes and stuff. I feel not up to date and feel not on the trends but I was never on the trends so I don’t care lol)

The ONLY thing that annoys me about Instagram right now is the aspect ratio. It's not fun having panels be butchered imo. I do think people will just make a new site tho. Like there's probably artists who're programmers or somethin'... before Amazon or Google buys it out.

I do recommend YouTube Shorts tho since that's been getting me more attention than usual.

thats the thing tho it's its way more than just that but it gets boiled down to that. if anything especially with longer format videos its like a short form youtube with tutorials informational videos, education and like any and everything in between

plus you dont have to do too much labor to get traction on a post its just using proper hashtags or just sticking it on something trending (brands do gimmick stuff a lot so you can just pick one of those)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. I feel like I probably 'should' start an Artstation account, but... I'm so intimidated by everyone on there. Like, yikes. I am not that caliber.

I'm on Instagram and Tumblr, and tbh Instagram is kinda awful. I don't like their algorithm, I can't stand reels, and it's easy for even people who are following you to never see one of your posts. At least Tumblr keeps my dashboard chronological, so I can always tell which posts are the new ones. Speaking of Tumblr, the NSFW ban didn't really affect me because I do very little NSFW work and don't tend to post it anyway, so I actually never left. I don't have a HUGE following, but I also tend to do very niche stuff, so I was probably never GOING to have a huge following.

I felt that way before I switched my account preferences to sort art by "most recent" compared to "popular". There's a good amount of all kinds of art quality on there.

The thing is yeah it's not really a social network site. It's just a place for people who want to do art professionally to have an easily-accessible gallery to send along with the job application they're filling out through Artstation's job postings. Hell I'm not even that pro-looking (I mean, it good enough to get a job in comics but not like... you know... amazing) and I do get the occasional serious job offer too. But if you're not interested in that, there isn't really a reason to set up an Artstation. Because it's less about "I'm creating stuff, check it out" and more like "here's a curated collection of my best works". Not super social.

Also Artfol has been very good for me so far. No bells and whistles, just a site to dump art to. They're testing out a browser-based version of the community right now so when that goes live, it seems like a good place for artists to go.

My personal experiences. YMMV.

Instagram has one saving grace: A good population of nutters who stubbornly refuse to follow the changes and still use the tags to discover new art and new artists to follow. You will get followers.

Those followers being able to see your art is another question since Meta is in the business of serving ads to a captive audience and you're there to help them farm data, not share art. If you're not doing that well enough they will choke you out. It's what what they've always done on FaceBook and that makes Instagram unreliable.

I reinstalled Artfol last week. They seem to have gotten most of the technical issues sorted but navigation and finding stuff is still a chore. It reminds me of Discord in that regard. It needs more time in the oven.

Pixiv, DA, ArtStation, Behance, Mastodon, Pillowfort tend to cater to certain styles and genres. All of these platforms do have a variety of styles to look at but it's in the same way McDonalds has more than just burgers and fries.

The future? Continued domination of the internet by a couple of big tech companies and all of the small fry above being eaten up by them at some point. People continuing to say dumb stuff like, "I don't mind because just ignore the ads."

Definitely trying to sit down and put my site together next year...I'm tired of sites like Tapas & Webtoon amplifying their exclusive picks while everyone else gets buried and really have to scream to get noticed by readers; also tired of social media doing the same type of suppression via "the algorithm". Even if I do breakthrough and reach people, I currently don't have my site up and running...would especially help when I do conventions.

1 month later

closed Dec 20, '22

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