150 / 171
Mar 2021

I tired to draw Horatch as an egg, but my eggs-ecution was terrible. My brain was fried, and all his parts ended up scrambled. I have hatched a new plan and hope it's suitably punny.

Hello everyone. We are Boldtoon, Now creating webtoon series.

It all started when God cursed the deceased so that they were forgotten when they died. But once upon a time there was an egg that was not affected by the curse. Is the egg a divine error? Or did the egg serve a deliberate purpose?

Hopefully this egg will be a light for the good of all people in the world.
Grave of Memories1

I asked my brother to tell me an eggcelent egg pun, but he told me he didn't have a good enough yolk. Then I yelled at him not to eggnore me, and that he would have to tell me something eggstraordinary enough to crack me up and scramble my head at the same time. He is still trying to hatch a good one without making an omelette out of it. I threatened to poach him if he doesn't fry up a good one, but I am not that henous.

This is going to be egg-squisite!

Wokor will finally become an egg-cellent holy warrior.

His feats had scrambled the High Priestess' ears and his ascension ceremony will fry his side up.

Assigned to the shocking squad of Nathroryos, Wokor will attempt to prove his yolk as a true hunter of chickens in the name of the Lunar Doctrine.

Along with Dallus, Liriak, and Qurnuk, the little omelet-boy will experience a vast number of incredible hard-boiled situations, hatch frozen feelings from inside his cold yolk, and egg-sercise his space in the existence among many whisked fates of Gaeath's world.

Join the Eclipse Squad and hatch through your deepest eggshells.

Hehe. This is fun!

Sounds like a fun idea! Unfortunately, as much fun as it would be to draw my character as an Easter egg, I've only started it a couple of weeks ago and have two strips posted. So I'm a bit shy of the required posts.

Probably for the best. My soft-boiled attempts at humor wouldn't go over easy. I'd better get cracking with being ready next year, though!

Good luck!

I can be sometimes EGGcentric but i am EGGstatic to do these horrible puns and show one of my series!
So i hope everyone here have EGGoodluck and that the worst pun wins!

New Reality Online

I just saw this post yesterday. Glad I checked. Click to enlarge. Entry is long.

My series:
https://tapas.io/series/Clowder-Kingdom (BL. Tristan thought he would never love again.
Tristan has been running away from his painful past. But he can't run from who he is and he is captured by the mighty King Harley of the Clowder Kingdom. Unfortunately this delay gets his pursuer one step closer to him.)

Mega's boyfriend Tommy hatched a freely strange idea one day and used her DNA to create Egga, a shapeshifting grade-A clone. He initially wanted to take a crack at turning Mega into this shapeshifting goo, but knew she'd flip out over the effects easy. He claims that Egga could be used when Mega is scrambled trying to do many things at once, but part of her wonders if it's all some kind of yolk. Still, Tommy's one of the people she came out of her shell for, and he wouldn't take any other.


My comic is sad un-noeuf. So here's something less neggative and up-beat.
(un-noeuf means 'one egg' in French and is pronounced like enough FYI :blush:)

Just finished the first chapter so thanks for this opportunity​:two_hearts: