507 / 671
Sep 2021

Ah sorry didn't realize until now about the Instagram thing! My Instagram is @dreamypastelart !

I don't use my Twitter or Insta Accounts anymore but I have no problem if it gets posted there.

I take it we can't double dip with our characters?

Hey @aqua03 do you mean have more than one character?

There is a duo in there because the pose was quite intimate lol.

To give everyone an opportunity to join I changed it to one per person, because I had no idea so many artists would want to join in. :sweat_02:

I’ll draw up the two extra ones and check here (and Discord) to see if anyone new wants them first. :smile::+1:

Yay @rucalikes glad you joined and got a spot! Very excited to see yours :grinning::+1:

@Legendofgenii yea 2 more spots sound like a good idea to fill up the bit of negative space there​:+1: i mentioned it to some of my tapas friends when i saw you last had three slots available, told them to hurry as its a '1st come 1st serve type type deal'.

Ah, okay then. That makes sense. I was just kinda curious about that given both that duo and the general extra space in case anyone couldn't fulfill their spot if that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. :slight_smile: