546 / 671
Sep 2021

when u finish will u share it with us with bigger format please?

@Soulless-Smiles awesome work my friend, Mika looks super kickass and adorable at the same time :D​:+1: glad u got through. @Legendofgenii Mika is also on a diet like you also xD

@rucalikes yay my friend glad to see chibbi Sidney he looks so cute n cool in his shades. Love his leather jacket and i see he has the signature paper plane theme :airplane: :smiley:

Ah I know I'm young on the forums because there are quite a lot of characters I don't recognize :see_no_evil:

It’s a shame the 2019 one didn’t work out, but the 2018 looks good. :grin:

@DualDragons same. :sweat_smile: I joined Tapas/the forum in 2020. I can spot Rocky and Aqua’s characters in there.

At that time i was only a forum reader. (sigh) Oh the old days~

I can do that. :hohoho: