590 / 671
Sep 2021

I made it myself, so it depends on the other deeming if they need it or not. It's just my garbage attempt to show the best format for IG carousel :slight_smile:

I think if you made it, IG users would be thankful. That is if you're not busy

I just tested the above and they look good. Just figuring out the tagging thing :sweat_smile:

IG didn't allow me to tagg more than 20 even with multiple photos, so I just put the list of creators with @ in the description :sweat_02:

@lomcia added yours to the list :+1:

Thank you for the fun challenge @Legendofgenii. It was a nice change from the daily promo dumping.:relieved:
Oh. And Genii,

Ah we finally know what the dog did, he got the crown

Oh, I think I forgot to mention my Instagram, it's @eugenia_kelheor :tapa_mummy:

Thank you for this great collab, @Legendofgenii! :two_hearts:

Here's my series:

And for the twitter folks, I'm @ArtKaetana there.

Nice work everyone, this turned out great. :grin: And thank you so much @Legendofgenii for all your hard work organizing this and putting it all together! I don't think I've ever seen such a big collaboration be so successful, this has been amazing to watch come together!